quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2008

Lilith and UFOs

by Stephen Yulish PhD
November 30, 2007

Earlier this week, I sat at my computer and wondered what I would or could write next for UFO Digest. Every time I feel that I have nothing left to write about, the Lord tells me differently. The Holy Spirit whispered in my ear Lilith and UFOs.

I know this may seem a little strange to some of you, but I really do not write anything unless the Lord tells me to do so and then tells what to write about. For most of my adult life, I wrote what I wanted to write about and it got me nowhere but messed up. This time, though, I was a little hesitant not only because I was not sure where this would go but also because I can barely see at this time. My MS has flared up and I am now burdened at this time with blurred vision, double vision, vertigo and increased weakness along with my persistent inability to walk easily. Thank god I now have Jesus to hold onto I tried to envision, no pun intended, how I could talk about Lilith and UFOs in one article. I knew of both individually but together?

Then on Wednesday, I read Mary Alice Bennett's article on UFOs over Tucson in UFO Digest and I began to see the connection. Mary spoke of 22nd and Alvernon, Reid Park and other places in Tucson that I knew well because I had been a Professor there at the University of Arizona for many years. Then she spoke of a recently departed friend Dana Redfield. a UFO author, who LSO had been interested in Kabbalah, and bingo, I had my connection. Who did I know that also combined an interest in UFOs with an interest in Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah) and particularly in the archetype Lilith? The answer was obviously me. God wanted me to discuss this relationship because I had a unique and intimate past knowledge of both coupled now with the addition of the Holy Spirit and my discovery of the true meaning of life and of death from my revelation of Jesus Christ.

While I was a Professor at the University of Arizona in Tucson thirty years ago, I had maintained my lifelong interest in UFOs. I visited a UFO group there that said that they seven were affiliated with J.Allen Hynek. I also wrote a novel, "The Other World", that was a Gnostic journey into the unconscious, actually the collective unconscious, of all mankind which included Adam, Eve, Lilith and Samael. This bounced around New York for years but was never picked up (thank God). I did read from it at a loft in Greenwich Village to a bunch of "creative artists" like me though. I thought that was really cool at the time. Several years later I wrote an article "Adam: Male, Female or Both" which was published by Anima, a feminist, New Age publication. I spoke not only of what I thought was the androgynous nature of Adam in the Bible but also of the supposed androgynous nature of God. I also spoke in detail of Lilith. One of my Christian grad students nearly had a cow when I talked about it in class. I loved to watch her squirm.

I also taught a grad course "Alternate Conceptions of Reality". I was truly New Age before it was fashionable to be New Age!

Years later, when I worked for the Jewish National Fund and the Jewish Federation of Phoenix, I read the Zohar, the bible of Jewish mysticism, and discussed Kabbalah with several Rabbis in town. I even channeled drawings from the yenne velt (the other world in Yiddish) and showed them to my Rabbi friends who loved them. Several were later published in the journal DreamWorks.

I also encountered several women who were Lilith archetypes and seduced me with their wicked ways. Been there and done all of the above. Who better to tell you about the dangers of Lilith and UFOs?

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