domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008

Extraterrestrials and Ultradimensionals: A Native American Perspective

August 14, 2008
Stephane Wuttunee

Although I cannot speak for my people (the Plains Cree), my perception and understanding of the ET phenomena as a Native person and its global implications nevertheless comes in large part from having been partially raised within the culture itself.

But first, a bit of my background.

My name is Stephane Wuttunee. Although technically mixed blooded (my mother is French Canadian with a bit of Micmac blood from a few generations back), I possess full Native status both in the eyes of my people and the Canadian government. Our community is called Red Pheasant First Nation. It is a mid sized reserve found in west central Saskatchewan, Canada.

The first thing that one must know of my culture and its ways is that traditionally, we give far greater attention to the seeking of the spiritual understanding of things rather than going after “the truth” as people from dominant cultures tend to do. This is part of the reason why we tend to stand back and view or listen at first rather than barge in with questions or take the hard, direct approach. Anyone who has spent time with traditional Native elders will understand this, as a good amount of chopping wood, fetching groceries, and tending fires and such tends to take place before one is given or told teachings. With us, the more and harder one pursues, the further they get away from what they seek. Be still and quiet and true to yourself and others, and what you need will come to you.

The second thing one must be aware of about our culture is that it is absolutely impossible to hide anything from a Native elder. I know that sounds incredible in this age where virtually anything can be faked or hidden, but it is true. A traditional Aboriginal elder can read someone inside and out better than yesterday’s paper - and often even from a distance just by looking at them. Perhaps this comes from thousands upon thousands of years of having been so close to the land and the creatures. We tend to be excellent observers and scouts. So staying true to one’s self and honest is the best way to be around Indian people in general (and for that matter, throughout life as well).

Growing up, I cannot recall having ever heard anyone in my community speak of “aliens” or “Extraterrestrials”, though I did hear of distant relations and “Star People” living amongst the stars many times, mainly around campfires and during traditional ceremonies. Far from being anything to be feared, Star People was just another term I grew up around. I remember listening in awe and fascination at the thought of us having relations that lived off and outside our world, and sometimes spoke to them in my silent moments at night. I wanted to know who they were and what they looked like, if they had families like us, etc. In all honesty, the only time I was exposed to “aliens” per se was when I would go to the outhouse and read the Weekly World News or the National Enquirer. It wasn’t until my later teens that I discovered that people from the dominant cultures were talking about the same “people” as my elders did, though each side’s sense of perception of these people seemed radically different from one another.

Another thing that stands out in my mind in regards to Extraterrestrials is that rarely did I ever come across elders and teachers who made clear distinctions between ETs and the spiritworld. In fact, at times I heard Aboriginal elders blend the two together and treat them as one, which I have to admit did kind of take me for a spin when I was young. Were our distant relations physical like us? Did they also exist amongst us in spirit? I had many unanswered questions, so I guess I from a fairly young age I had some unraveling to do.

Stories of abductions and such were not present (or at least not spoken of) in my surroundings. If anything, stories told by elders of interactions with Beings from other realms/worlds seemed to have more to do with telepathic communication and sometimes full on physical (and friendly) encounters than anything else. To this day, I’ve often wondered for instance, if White Buffalo Calf Woman, the teacher who brought Native people the four traditional medicines of sweetgrass, sage, cedar, and tobacco might have been one of these otherworldly visitors. And Weesageechak, our people’s original teacher and trickster, might also have been a representative of these people as well. To this day, there are still legends and stories in the Canadian north of a pale skinned, bearded man who appeared amongst my people thousands of years ago to give spiritual teachings and lessons. Perhaps the man known as Jesus himself was a part of this otherworldly race and he simply incarnated in our reality to teach and assist us into new phases of growth and understanding. Pity we had to kill him.

Since Native people tend to live in remote or rural areas, I suppose this may be reason why it is difficult to find someone from the community who has not seen a UFO themselves or know someone that has. I remember the impact it had, for instance, when a person from a neighboring First Nation's community told my family about some strange greenish lights he saw traveling low to the ground and then disappearing into the sky at the blink of an eye. For weeks afterwards, I would always make sure I wasn't being followed when walking alone at night or hunting. Although I did believe my elders when they said there was no danger from these visitors, young people are impressionable and I didn’t want to experience anything up close and personal at that time. Listening to teachings and stories was fine by me.

Bigfoot or Sasquatch, the main moneymaker for many tabloids, is (and was) ever present within Native culture. Known to many as “the wild man of the woods”, this creature to us is far more than a mere animal. We believe it to be more humanlike than not and in perfect sync with either the spirit world or Star People - or both. Like Extraterrestrials, one would have a hard time not finding someone in the community who has either seen or heard of this Being. And like everything else in Native culture, he is given full respect by rarely having his name mentioned unless his attention or help is desired. During my own encounters with this person (in both the dreamworld and our physical reality), it always struck me how completely and fully he knew everything about me. I could hide nothing from him even if I wanted to. Yet never once was I made to feel unsafe. Is Bigfoot actually a spirit? Does spirit world sometimes take on the form of something people from various cultures can relate with? More questions...

In terms of relationships with Extraterrestrials, I suppose the main characteristic of my culture is that the concept is nothing new to us and that there is no reason to be fearful. We believe that these people from abroad have come to visit us many times in the past and that they will continue to do so in future. In light of the way things are in the world, I'd have to say it's about time someone dropped in again for some tea and bannock.

In any case, the fire is lit and the door is open.


Terence McKenna: TimewaveZero (legendado pt)

Setembro 2008

Terence McKenna fala sobre sua visão da história, as ressonâncias temporais, o papel da experiência psicodélica e o fim do tempo em 2012.

O "Timewave Zero" é um software de computador baseado nas idéias de McKenna sobre a natureza fractal do tempo e mecânica da entrada de "novidade" na História humana. "Novidade", nesse contexto, são as complexificaçoes e acontecimentos dinâmicos capazes de moldar o rumo da história, em oposição à repetição e hábito.

A base estrutural da onda temporal é a seqüência "King Wen" do I Ching. Terence construíu sua teoria influenciado pelas experiências psicodélicas e acontecimentos ocorridos com ele e seu irmão Dennis, na Amazônia em 1971, descritos em seu livro "Alucinações Reais".

Diz Terence:
"Antes de Einstein o espaço era visto como uma dimensão onde colocamos coisas. O espaço era visualizado como uma analogia para o vazio. Mas então Einstein mostrou que o espaço é uma coisa que tem torque, e que é afetada pela matéria e pelos campos gravitacionais. A luz passando através de um campo gravitacional no espaço será curvada porque o espaço através do qual ela viaja está curvado. Em outras palavras, o espaço é uma coisa, e não um lugar onde você põe coisas.

O que proponho, em síntese, é que o tempo - que também foi previamente considerado uma abstração necessária - também é uma coisa. O tempo não apenas muda, como também há diversos tipos de tempo. Enquanto esses tipos de tempo vem e vão em progressão cíclica em muitos níveis, as situações se desenvolvem à medida que a matéria responde às condições de tempo e espaço. Esses dois padrões condicionam a matéria. Há muito tempo a ciência está consciente dos padrões de espaço, chamamos isso de "leis naturais", mas e quanto aos padrões de tempo? Essa é uma consideração completamente diferente."


Dead Sea Scrolls go from parchment to the Internet

August 27, 2008

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- More than 2,000 years after they were written, the Dead Sea Scrolls are going digital as part of an effort to better preserve the ancient texts and let more people see them than ever before.

Read the full story at:

domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008

Crossing the Event Horizon: Another Cycle Begins


Interview with Nassim Haramein

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

EU To Become Union Of European Regions *


[emphases added]

The era of small nation states has passed.

- German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, January 2007.

“The pooling of coal and steel production should immediately provide for the setting up of common foundations for economic development as a first step in the federation of Europe.” - Schumann Declaration, 9 May 1950, announcing the formation of the European Coal and Steel Community.

Article titled “EU Should Become Union of European Regions, Expert Says
published on DW World, 31 July 2008:

The nation-state has had its day, writes political scientist Winfried Boettcher. He calls instead for a Europe built along regional lines that would help meet people’s cultural and economic needs.

The approach towards unifying Europe has not changed since the founding of the Coal and Steel Community over 50 years ago.

The future is federal

By contrast, I believe that Europe will only have a future if a federal concept places the normative question at the center of the debate. According to Johan Galtung, this is a process in which two or more political protagonists come together to form a new protagonist. Correspondingly, Europe could be united politically, judicially, economically and socially[…]

This is conditional upon the relinquishing of national, power-oriented sovereignty and submitting to a common will. The nation-state has fulfilled its historical function. Nowadays, it is one of the major troublemakers in the European integration process. […]Our counter model, which is based on a concept of a Europe of the regions.

Rethinking subsidiarity

Regionalism and subsidiarity are inherently interdependent. However, in our understanding of subsidiarity we go far beyond what is stated in article five of the Treaty of Amsterdam. We define subsidiarity as “actively supporting a nation-state or the European Union, to develop local and regional subsystems[…]”

Breaking open encrusted power structures

To sum up: the future of the European Union can only survive both domestically and internationally, if the bloc develops a constitution that aims to set up a regional, federal system. The structural principle of subsidiarity will break open encrusted power structures and lead to an efficient overhaul of existing power structures.

EU Wipes England Off The Map,

Daily Mail, 23 April 2008:

The change splits England into three and lumps those parts together with chunks of other countries to create “transnational regions”.

Under the programme, known as INTER-REG, counties along England’s south coast form the “Manche Region” along with northern France.

The “Atlantic Region” takes in western England, along with Ireland, Wales and parts of Portugal, Spain, France and Scotland.

Meanwhile eastern England is part of the “North Sea Region”, which covers areas of Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Norway and the Netherlands.


“Acceptance of these elements calls for a reinterpretation of the concept of national sovereignty. Participation and social control suggest a functional rather than a territorial interpretation of sovereignty, or jurisdiction over determined uses rather than geographical space . Conceptually, this interpretation will make possible the progressive internationalization and socialization of all world resources - material and non-material[…] It also permits the secure accommodation of inclusive and exclusive uses of these resources. Ultimately, we must air for decentralized sovereignty.” - Reshaping the International Order: A Report to the Club of Rome Think Tank, 1976 (p82)

Bertie Ahern:

“The European Union is a very visible demonstration of how the pooling of

sovereignty by national states can contribute to facing today’s challenges of globalisation.” - Former Irish Prime Minister, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library in New Delhi, 18 January 2006


Recent Proof About Poles Reversal in Connection with Planet X

August 23, 2008
Cristian Negureanu

Some historical periods:

1)The more recent population was the Tenerian, a more lightly built people who appeared to have had a diverse economy of hunting, fishing and cattle herding.

They lived during the latter part of the green Sahara, about 7,000 to 4,500 years ago.

Full story:

2) 3,600 years ago = Planet X (Jews' Exodus)

3) The Present Situation:

The Earth's overall magnetic field has weakened at least 10 percent over the past 150 years, which could also point to an upcoming field reversal.

Mandea and Olsen hope to continue refining their model with updated observations, and perhaps to eventually help predict future changes in the Earth's magnetic field.

Full story:

4) Earth, Jupiter and Planet X - Nuclear Winters for Earth:

5) The Future Situation: ( after 2012 - 2014): Isaiah 43:19-21 (New American Standard Bible)

Isaiah 43:19-21 (New American Standard Bible)

19 "Behold, I will do something (A)new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even (B) make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.

20 "The beasts of the field will glorify Me, The (C) jackals and the ostriches, Because I have (D) given waters in the wilderness And rivers in the desert, To give drink to My chosen people.

21 "The people whom (E) I formed for Myself (F) Will declare My praise.


a) Eris - the Planet of the Cross and the Natural Extreme Phenomena:

b) Eris - the Red Planet and the Worlds on Collision:

c) AMAZON.COM: Planet Eris and the Global Warming:


Sunlight reduces the chances of developing tumours in the lymphatic glands

3 Feb. 2005

A new study from Karolinska Institutet and Uppsala University shows that, contrary to previous belief, sunlight reduces the chances of developing tumours in the lymphatic glands (malignant lymphoma). The study is to be published in the next number of The Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

The number of new cases of lymphoma per year has tripled over the past 40 years, and the reasons are largely still a mystery. One hypothesis is that frequent exposure to the sun might increase the risk of developing this kind of cancer, especially the more common non-Hodgkin's form, but also the Hodgkin's type as well. However, a fresh study by research scientists at Karolinska Institutet and Uppsala University together with researchers from Denmark shows, on the contrary, that frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays, not only from the sun but also from sun lamps and solariums, seems to reduce the chances of developing Lymphoma, particularly non-Hodgkin's, by some 30-40 per cent.

"We find a similar correlation if we analyse responses by country or by skin-type," says Karin Ekström Smedby, postgraduate at KI's Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics. "This reduces the risk of systematic error and increases the credibility of our study."

The study was based on telephone interviews with more than 3,000 patients who were newly diagnosed as having malignant lymphoma, either non-Hodgkin's or Hodgkin's, between 1999 and 2002 in Sweden and Denmark, and just over 3,000 randomly chosen healthy members of the public. Participants were also asked about previous forms of diagnosed cancer.

It is already known that frequent exposure to the sun can increase the risk of skin cancer. If the results of this study can be replicated and complemented with additional data, Ms Ekström Smedby believes that advice about sunbathing might have to be amended.

"But we haven't looked into the mechanisms behind the effect of sunlight on lymphoma," she says. "More research is needed before we can give advice about the dangers and benefits of sunbathing in a wider perspective."

Researchers will now continue with other studies to identify the possible biological mechanisms behind this relationship.


EU-wide dietary guidelines not feasible, says EFSA

20 Aug. 2008

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has launched a public consultation on its draft opinion on food-based dietary guidelines, in which it concluded that guidelines to span the whole of the EU would not be feasible.

The risk assessor was asked by the European Commission to provide guidance on how nutrient-based dietary advice can be translated into guidance for the European population as a whole.

The aim was to look at the contribution of different foods or food groups to an overall diet to help maintain good health through optimal nutrition.

However EFSA’s panel on dietetic products, nutrition and allergies has concluded that it would not actually be feasible to develop a set of detailed, effective EU-wide guidelines. The reason is that diets and public health priorities differ wildly between the member states.

In other parts of the world population-wide dietary guidelines have been developed to help inform the public about healthy eating. In the US, for instance, the MyPyramid system was unveiled in 2005 – and the guidelines are updated every few years so as to reflect the latest research.

But a parallel approach looks unlikely across Europe, since it would need to “take into account wide disparities in dietary habits, due to cultural differences in eating patters and the varying availability of food products across Europe”.

For this reason, it decided rather to concentrate on the scientific process to underlie development of guidelines. In its opinion, the panel has recommended that member states analyse their own, country-specific diet-related health problems so that their guidelines can be tailored to the population’s needs.

The step-wide approach involves:

  • Identification of diet-health relationships;
  • Identification of country specific diet-related problems (such food-related health problems include obesity, cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and osteoporosis.
  • Identification of nutrients of public health importance
  • Identification of foods relevant for dietary guidelines
  • Identification of food consumption patterns
  • Testing and optimising of the guidelines
  • Graphical representations of the guidelines.

For Europe, recommendations on individual nutrients or substances in food-based terms could help consumers apply nutrition advice to their actual daily eating habits.

But the panel also stressed the need for any guidelines to be linked in with other health promotion policies, like daily physical activity.

“The early involvement of stakeholders is recommended to promote the acceptance of messages.”

To this end, EFSA will accept comments on its draft opinion, available online here, and additional scientific evidence to aid the work, until December 15.

Read aslo: EFSA consults on dietary reference intake levels


Successful Face Transplants Performed

23 Aug 2008

Two men have undergone face transplants -- one after being attacked by a bear and another after suffering from a large facial tumor -- and they have indicated promising results. These cases indicate that the procedure might be used more regularly for long-term restoration of facial disfigurement, and are described in two articles released in The Lancet on August 22, 2008 describe face transplants that were performed in 2006 and 2007 which appear to have promising results.

Read the full story at:

sábado, 23 de agosto de 2008

Atlantis and its repercussions for us

August 10, 2008
Tony R. Elliott

The lost continent of Atlantis and the advanced civilization that lived there has been a topic of speculation and lore since human kind became intelligently capable of communication and keeping records.

Did Atlantis sink beneath the sea due to a cataclysmic event?

Plato was one of the first individuals to write accounts of his mystical trips to the continent. Since then many scientists, archaeologists and philosophers have given their take on speculating where the actual continent may have existed. Millions of dollars, years, and sweat later we are no closer to knowing where it existed, or even if it really did exist than we ever were.

Read the full story at:

terça-feira, 19 de agosto de 2008

ENDGAME Blueprint for Global Enslavement HQ

28 okt. 2007


Cuba registers therapeutic vaccine for lung cancer

June 25, 2008
Iris Armas Padrino

The first therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of advanced lung cancer has been registered in Cuba, the only one for this type of malignancy world-wide, reported the national news agency, AIN.

Named CIMAVAX EGF, the antigen has been shown to be effective, extending patients’ survival and quality of life, said the doctor of biological science, Gisela González, manager of the project.

The expert explained to the press that the drug was developed at the Molecular Immunology Center (CIM), one of the flagship institutions within Havana’s Scientific Pole.

The first clinical trial was conducted in Cuba in 1995 with more than 400 patients with advanced lung cancer who had previously received conventional treatment with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, González indicated.

The drug’s positive effects include a decrease or disappearance of shortness of breathe, weight gain, better appetite and controllable pain, allowing patients to participate in social life, she said.

She explained that the vaccine which provokes an immune system response and does not have serious side-effects, is composed of two proteins, one from epidermal growth factor and the other, P-64 K, from cell membrane, both produced through DNA recombination methods by the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Center.

González indicated that five Phase I trials have been conducted and two Phase II trials, one in Cuba and another in Canada and England.

The results of the Phase II trials showed clinical benefits for patients, as compared with those who did not receive the vaccine, leading to a registration request to the Cuban regulatory agency.

González announced that in 11 hospitals within the country, a Phase III clinical trial is being conducted with 579 patients and that in August of this year Phase II trials will begin in Peru and subsequently in China.

Dr. Tania Crombet, director of clinical research for CIM emphasized that Cuban scientists are investigating CIMAVAX EGF for other epidemoid (solid) cancers and have demonstrated its effectiveness in cases of neoplasia of the lung, head, neck, brain, stomach, breast, rectum, prostrate, cervix, bladder, ovary and pancreas.

Cuba began studies of the new vaccine in 1992 which included pre-clinical trials with laboratory animals and, in 1995, conducted the first clinical trial.

Read also:
Cuba exports medical equipment all over the world


segunda-feira, 18 de agosto de 2008

10 Myths That Stand in the Way of Your Dreams... and How to Bust Them!

Busting the 10 Myths… The Myths That Say, Quite Convincingly, Why Your Dreams Cannot Be Achieved. Let’s Bust Them!

Myth #1: You cannot create wealth if you don’t have education or money to begin with.

This is nonsense. First, education is important. You simply need to know what to do. It is far easier to follow a proven path than to figure it out yourself by trial and error.

But education can be acquired, no matter who or where you are. Sure, some people may not afford to go to college or even school. But, if you place one foot forward, and then the next, learn one step at a time, you will ALWAYS find the next step.

If you don’t know how to start and run a business and cannot go to business school or whatever, you can always take one step forward, learn something small about business, start somewhere, and you will find someone at the end of that step who will teach you the next step.

And this applies to anything you wish to accomplish! One step at a time always leads you to the goal. Initially it may be a slow start but sooner or later you will gain momentum.

Now, as for money, you also don’t need money to get started. The more you develop your RIGHT information and knowledge and RIGHT network of people, the less you need money!

Myth #2: Time = Money. You cannot earn money without exchanging your time for it.

More nonsense. It is true that at a certain level, time = money. At a certain level. If you are employed by the hour, then, yes, time = money. But this is NOT a universal principle! Passive income, residual income, capital gains and so on are examples of situations whereby money comes without your direct working for it.

Look, production creates money. But it doesn’t have to be your hard direct labor doing the production. If you own the value production system (such as a business, an asset, a book you have written (or paid someone to write for you), a list of buyers in a particular area, a network marketing down line, a membership website whereby you have placed some instructional materials that members pay access fees to you for, shares, a content site with Google AdWords, rental property, etc) or pay someone else to work, then you don’t have to work to enjoy the benefits.

The more you develop your RIGHT information and knowledge and RIGHT network of people, and package yourself to create passive income systems, the less you need to work! The key word there is ‘packaging’. Packaging allows for you to be untied from your work. You can now export, mass produce and mass distribute your strengths, knowledge, skills, resources, etc. Do you know how to achieve self-packaging (and we are not talking about dressing up nicely here)?

Myth #3: The education system is adequate.

It is adequate at training people to get a job, to be artists and doctors and lawyers, and so on. But it does NOT show you how to be financially and time free. It simply doesn’t!

Our current education system was designed in the 1800s to produce people who fit into the work gaps in society, the machinery… It was the industrial age, after all. We needed people to work in the factories, to invent things, to administrate, to provide health services support, and so on.

There was no agenda to teach people to be financially and time free. Maybe, as civilization advances, this will be commonly taught. But at this stage in our civilization, this information is held by less than 2% of the population, perhaps. But all you are missing is this information. Those whom you may admire for having financial and time freedom simply have the information that you don’t.

Myth #4: Work hard, and you will achieve financial liberation

OK, do you really believe that in and of itself, hard work is the key? I know tons of people who work very hard and are still struggling, as I am sure you do, too. And I know several people who are financially free and still choose to work hard. There is nothing wrong with hard work. It is all up to you. And then I know of those who hardly work, and they too are financially and time free. It is up to you.

But what I hope we can agree on is that hard work is not the key. You need to apply your efforts along the right plan, leverage it using the rights systems and people, applying proven processes that lead to achievement time and time again.

Once you have reached a certain level, work is optional, but chances are, because you will most likely reach such a level by doing what you love, you will tend to work anyways! Because you love what you do!

Myth #5: Fix your weaknesses if you wish to succeed.

It is far easier to come from competence (strength) to excellence than it is to come from mediocrity to competence. We all have strengths and weaknesses.

Why bother improve your weaknesses? It takes far too much effort, too much time, and it isn’t fun! Working within your strengths is super-fun, has high growth, and great results.

So why not spend the BULK of your time doing what you love and are strong at, and let those who are strong in your areas of weakness handle your weaknesses for you? It is a synergistic way of looking at things, and if you know how to apply this principle, wow! Your life will zoom up!

Myth #6: Struggle is normal.

No its not. Struggle is a result of not being in the flow. In flow with what? With yourself! With how things work! With the natural order of things! With other people and systems (hence the power of leverage)!

Myth #7: Solve it yourself. Figure it out. Do it yourself (DIY)

Oh, boy, this is a big one! We were raised believing that it is virtuous to figure it out, to solve things. Well, solving things has its place. And its place is in inventions. In things we don’t know about. At one time, we didn’t have mobile phones, now we do. Through figuring it out, trial and error, decades of research, we invented mobile telephony. Now, in 2008, why on earth would you want to re-invent the mobile phone? Just buy one! Its cheaper and faster.

Now, most likely, 99% of your life contains things that have been done well by someone else. And in achieving your dream life, you would be treading a path that has been walked upon in the past by others.

So why not take advantage of global learning and evolution, eliminate trial and error, and simply learn from those who have succeeded before you in the path you wish to follow. We have been told that it is strong, manly even, to figure it out yourself. That it is weak to seek help. Trash those ideas right now and start emulating succeed. Copy success!

Myth #8: Life is risky, play safe.

If you run away from risks, you also run from its rewards. Life rewards risk! Life rewards risk, mightily! And life teaches via failure, guiding the failed to future success. It is far more painful to remain in mediocrity than to try and try again and make it. Life will assist you!

Now, having said that, there is no point being a damned fool about risk. Take risk, but find ways in which you can manage risk. And the best way to manage risk is to get rid of unseen corners, get rid of ignorance. How do you do that? By copying those who have succeeded before you, by learning from those who are there already! Risk management is not the same as risk avoidance. Don’t run from risk; manage it.

Myth #9: Your retirement is handled automatically if you just do your work now at your job.

Anyone up for a good laugh? Hopefully, we all now know that this isn’t true. It just flat out isn’t true. That is a fable that used to be told in the 1950s to new factory workers. Work hard and then retire!

Now we know that those who don’t have their retirement sorted will have 10 to 20 years or more of very hard living at a fraction of their past income. Think about it. If you retire at 65 years of age and live to 80 or more, what kind of life do you think a retirement benefit scheme from your employer will give you? You may end up having to work at a video store after you consume your retirement fund. And at that age, few banks will give you loans, and so on.

Retirement has NOTHING to do with age, and NOTHING to do with being able to live without working. You can retire at 25 years of age if you have put together a passive income system. And without an adequate passive income system, retiring at 65 won’t magically make money come to you. Retirement is simply the ability to stop having to work because you own a system that can replace your income for you.

A long time ago, some governments were able to do this for their citizens, to provide such a system for those who reached a certain age. Hence the common confusion nowadays that retirement has something to do with age and it automatically provides for passive income.

Nowadays, most governments are unable to adequately provide for those who retire simply because they have hit the 65 years of age mark. The benefits available are meager at best. Out of the top of my head, I think that only the Scandinavian countries, especially Norway, have a suitable retirement scheme. The rest just aren’t enough or aren’t there anymore.

Myth #10: Don’t be yourself!

This is the mother of all the myths. We are fed this myth in so many different ways and through so many different channels. There is the prevailing idea that you cannot be yourself and succeed. You are taught to change yourself to fit a certain ‘standard’, to accept certain ideas… to blend in!

In fact, you are even rewarded for blending in, for losing your natural essence, for dropping your own way. The rewards are piecemeal. Often consisting of minor promotions, small raises, stars on sheets of paper. All the time, the big reward, your life lived in passion, is held at bay, unlived.

Look, you may copy successful ways of life, but you don’t have to stop being yourself. In fact, being yourself is the best thing you can do for your success. Accept your strengths and weaknesses, then apply your strengths 100%. Whatever they may be. Accept your passions! Then follow your heart 100%! Know your natural path and ways, then harmonize that with the world and follow your path.

I am not calling for a rebellion for the sake of rebellion. That is just as unproductive as conforming. What I am saying is, be at peace with who you are, leverage your power and passions, learn what you need to learn from those who have succeeded at what you wish to accomplish, then follow your way, and you will succeed so well, and you will be happy because it will be in doing what you love!

BUT WAIT! Didn’t they tell us, when we were younger, that we can’t just do what we love, that we have to do what we are told, and work in careers selected from a menu that was presented to us when we were too young to know any better? Yes, they did tell us these things! And now we believe them, we accept them as facts of life. Wake up! They aren’t facts of life! They are just beliefs about life. You can do what you love and succeed mightily. You simply need to know how.


Milky Way Creates a Mess by Stealing Stars from Nearby Galaxies

August 16th, 2008
by Nancy Atkinson

Model of a our galaxy showing trails of stars torn from disrupted satellite galaxies.  Credit: K. Johnston, J. Bullock

Model of a our galaxy showing trails of stars torn from disrupted satellite galaxies. Credit: K. Johnston, J. Bullock

The halo of stars that envelops the outer Milky Way galaxy is like a "jumble of pasta" said one researcher, describing criss-crossed patterns of stellar streams revealed in new data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). These stars appear to have been ripped away from the dwarf galaxies that are companions to our own galaxy, creating messy, spaghetti-like streams of stars in the outer edge of the Milky Way. The SEGUE (Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration) of the Sloan Survey is mapping the structure and stellar makeup of the Milky Way Galaxy and has found numerous new small streams of stars mixed and tangled among larger streams that had been mapped out over the last decade. It appears the Milky Way's thievery is creating quite a mess.

While the center of galaxy is quite orderly, the outer Milky Way is a cluttered mess. Kathryn Johnston from Columbia University explained how dwarf galaxies that pass close to the Milky Way can be stretched by gravitational tides into spaghetti-like strands, which wind around the Galaxy as stars trace out the same orbital paths at different rates.

"In the center of the Galaxy, these stellar strands crowd together and you just see a smooth mix of stars," said Johnston. "But as you look further away you can start to pick out individual strands, as well as features more akin to pasta shells that come from dwarfs that were on more elongated orbits." Johnston described the new smaller strands recently detected as "angel hair" that came from smaller dwarf or ones that were destroyed longer ago.

Heidi Newberg of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and her thesis student Nathan Cole have been trying to follow some of the larger strands as they weave across the sky. "It's a big challenge to piece things together," said Cole, "because the stream from one dwarf galaxy can wrap around the Galaxy and pass through streams of stars ripped from other dwarf galaxies."

Toward the constellation Virgo, where SDSS images revealed an excess of stars covering a huge area of sky, there are at least two superposed structures, and possibly three or more. The SEGUE velocity measurements can separate systems that overlap in sky maps, Newberg explained. "Part of what we see toward Virgo is a tidal arm of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy, whose main body lies on the opposite side of the Milky Way, but we don't know the origin of the other structures. There really aren't enough pasta varieties to describe all the structures we find."

"The SDSS has taught us a huge amount about the Milky Way and its neighbors," said Johnston. "But we're still just beginning to map the Galaxy in a comprehensive way, and there's a trove of discoveries out there for the next generation of surveys, including the two new Milky Way surveys that will be carried out in SDSS-III," the next set of surveys slated for Sloan.


domingo, 17 de agosto de 2008

Is Temple Mount God's time bomb?

August 14, 2008

New book sees Jerusalem real estate as roadmap to future events

Was the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem more than a place of worship? Was it, indeed, a roadmap to future events – a kind of prophetic landmark whose significance is only now revealed through the development of satellite imagery?

That is the contention of an explosive new book, "Temple at the Center of Time: Newton's Bible Codex Deciphered and the Year 2012," by David Flynn, a book that has risen dramatically to No. 1 among unexplained mysteries, No. 1 in world history and 73 overall on

The book asserts it has "deciphered Isaac Newton’s greatest paradox: None other than 'the unified field theory' of Bible prophecy."

Sir Isaac Newton was not only a great thinker in physics, the book explains, but had extensive knowledge of the Scriptures with a special interest in prophecy. Newton believed there was a hidden code, a type of time-encrypted language. He believed the key to deciphering this code was the Temple of Solomon. He wrote extensively on the length measurements of the Temple and suggested it intersected time and dimension, serving as a prophetic and supernatural structure.

According to Flynn, although Newton never cracked this code, he was on the right track and was limited only by the lack of sophisticated satellite technology.

"The description of Jerusalem as a terrestrial center point, situated in the center of the world, is found in Philo's Legatio and Gaium," Flynn notes. "The world is like a human eyeball. The white of the eye is the ocean surrounding the world, the iris is this continent, the pupil is Jerusalem, and the image in the pupil is the Holy Temple."

To make his case, Flynn starts by illustrating what the reader soon learns is the first of numerous extraordinary time-distance anomalies.

The prisca sapentia framework of Newton suggests that the distance between the temple of Jerusalem and the capital city of any nation historically effecting the chronicles of Jerusalem would be supernaturally connected. This relationship would be significant with respect to units of time, expressing meaning in line with God's divine plan as recorded in the word of his prophets.

Newton and Flynn point out how Ezekiel recorded the dimensions of the future temple in chapter 40 of his book, starting with the lengths of the temple gates, chambers, courts, walls and its exterior. After this, calibrations of weights and measure for the temple functions were given in detail. Finally, the distance of land outward from the temple was measured.

And he brought me thither, and, behold, [there was] a man, whose appearance [was] like the appearance of brass, with a line of flax in his hand, and a measuring reed; and he stood in the gate. (Ezekiel 40:3)

The measure of distance away from Jerusalem in this text implies a spiritual significance, says Flynn. A relationship between Jerusalem and the nations existed from the foundation of the temple, but was not completely perceived – and could not be fully known until the conventions of modern science.

For instance, if a measurement is made from the point of the temple of Jerusalem's foundation stone to the palace of Balthazar – the political center of Babylon and the exact location where the writing on the wall occurred – the distance should relate to the period in which Babylon most influenced Jerusalem.

Such a relationship exists and is the important distance of 539.86 statute miles.

What makes this measurement unusual is that Babylon, which played such a significant role in Hebrew antiquity, was measured and numbered in its relationship to Jewish history in Daniel chapter five during the famous handwriting on the wall. When the prophet interpreted the manifestation, he proclaimed in verses 25-28:

And this is the writing that was written: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE, God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it; TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting; PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.

That very night King Belshazzar was slain, and Darius the Mede became king.

Babylon fell to the Medes and Persians on the 16th day of Tishri of the Jewish calendar, which correlates to Oct. 12, 539 B.C. Curiously, the number 539 is also the distance in statute miles between the temple of Jerusalem's foundation stone to the palace of Balthazar, as confirmed by modern satellite measurement.

Does this give insight to the handwriting on the wall or the dating and measuring of Babylon's affairs in the history of Israel? Does this imply that Babylon's influence over Israel was supernaturally predated and measured, or foreknown? Or was this just a fascinating coincidence? As the first of such discoveries made by Flynn, he wondered the same thing.

So Flynn studied epic moments having to do with the sovereignty of Israel and the nations that played key roles in Hebrew and Jewish history. Over and over he found fascinating date-measurement anomalies connecting pivotal moments in time to the temple in Jerusalem. He went through annals, considering when acts by world leaders had influenced the development of the Jewish state. He continued to find more.

A case in point was the relationship between Napoleon Bonaparte and the Jews.

Napoleon had previously encountered the prophecies of the Old Testament in the Jewish community of Malta, which he liberated under French law in 1798. For hundreds of years, the Knights Hospitalier of Saint John of Jerusalem had oppressed the Jews by enslaving them and preventing open worship. One of Napoleon's first acts after banishing the Knights was to allow the Jews to build a synagogue, and the community of Jews on Malta welcomed Napoleon as a conqueror equal to Cyrus the Great. They believed their liberation by him was the fulfillment of the "king of the North" prophecy in Daniel 11.

This was followed on the first day of Passover, April 20, 1799, when Napoleon issued his proclamation of a Jewish state of Palestine. On May 22, 1799, the Paris newspaper, Moniteur Universel, announced: "Bonaparte has published a proclamation in which he invites all the Jews of Asia and Africa to gather under his flag in order to re-establish the ancient Jerusalem. He has already given arms to a great number, and their battalions threaten Aleppo."

Although the proclamation did not come to fruition, it increased a drive for Jews worldwide to pursue a sovereign state in Israel. Napoleon's ideas were also embraced by many who viewed them as a fulfillment of ancient prophecy, even some belonging to the Church of England.

This is important because Paris was named after the Paris, a Celtic people who settled on this central island in the 3rd century B.C. The city later spread outward from this point along the banks of the Seine River. This island is considered the birthplace of Paris and was the site of the city's earliest settlements. It was home to the French Kings from A.D. 400 to A.D. 1300. The royal palace and parliament were located on the western side of the island. Extending a measuring line from this historical center of Paris to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem shows the distance in nautical miles, 1,799.

The intriguing connection to Flynn's book is clear: Napoleon made a proclamation of historical importance to the Jewish nation in the year 1799, and perhaps not coincidently the distance from Paris to the Temple Mount in nautical miles corresponds perfectly at 1,799.

As findings like these stack up and the mathematical improbability of Flynn's disclosure increases, one of the most extraordinary parts of the book is unveiled when we learn how the year 1948 is marked by time-distance relations to the Temple location and several other mind-boggling dates and places, both past and future, which we will not divulge here. However, a peek into this section of the book finds discussion of how Britain was the nation that was "friendly to the Jews" and enabled them to return to Israel over 200 after Newton's death. The British defeated the Ottoman Turks and became administrators of the land of ancient Israel in 1917. Through mandate after World War I and World War II until 1948, London was the heart of the governing intellect over the region.

London's original location at its founding is an important point in establishing the exact value of time and distance between it and Jerusalem's Temple.

The Romans established Londinium in about A.D. 47. It was a civilian settlement built where the Thames became narrow enough for a bridge to be built across it but was still deep enough to admit large ocean vessels. In the 16th century, William Camden believed that the "London Stone" was a Roman milestone from which all distances were measured in the province. In the 17th century, Christopher Wren was able to observe the foundations of the London Stone underneath Cannon Street during the rebuilding of London after the Great Fire. With this information, it is possible to extend a measuring line from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to the exact center of ancient London, and by fixing a point on the site of the temple mount, a measuring line extended over Jerusalem to the center of London produces 1,948.40 nautical miles.

Therefore, incredibly, recorded in the earth between the Temple Mount of Jerusalem and the historic center of London is what Flynn sees as the fulfillment of Newton's own prediction: Israel became a nation again May 14th, 1948, corresponding perfectly to a distance between the temple and London of 1948 nautical miles.

As the reader moves through Temple at the Center of Time, these time-length correlations accumulate quickly, including numerous ancient dates such as 1441 B.C. when the Exodus from Egypt occurred. It turns out is 1,441,000 feet from the Jerusalem Temple to the Great Pyramid in Giza. Flynn finds dozens of other key dates in the past through similar satellite mapping measurements including some related to the United States, Russia and Rome.

Before it is even officially released, Flynn's book is causing a sensation in some circles where it is being compared to "The Bible Code."


Dark Matter is Missing From Cosmic Voids

August 17th, 2008

Map of distribution of galaxies.  Credit: M. Blanton and the SDSS.

Map of distribution of galaxies. Credit: M. Blanton and the SDSS.

Cosmic voids really are devoid of matter. Astronomers have found that even the pervasive 'dark matter' which accounts for about 80% of the mass of the universe is not present in these voids, which are areas of vast emptiness in space that can be tens of millions of light-years across. "Astronomers have wondered for a quarter-century whether these voids were 'too big' or 'too empty' to be explained by gravity alone," said University of Chicago researcher Jeremy Tinker, who led the new study using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey II (SDSS-II). "Our analysis shows that the voids in these surveys are exactly as big and as empty as predicted by the 'standard' theory of the universe."

The largest 3-dimensional maps of the universe show that galaxies lie in filamentary superclusters interlaced by cosmic voids that contain few or no bright galaxies. Researchers using SDSS-II and the Two-Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) have concluded that these voids are also missing the "halos" of invisible dark matter that bright galaxies reside in.

A central element of the standard cosmological theory is cold dark matter, which exerts gravity but does not emit light. Dark matter is smoothly distributed in the early universe, but over time gravity pulls it into filaments and clumps and empties out the spaces between them. Galaxies form when hydrogen and helium gas falls into collapsed dark matter clumps, referred to as "halos," where it can form luminous stars.

But astronomers were not sure if the areas that are devoid of galaxies were also devoid of dark matter, or if the dark matter was there, but for some reason stars just didn't form in these voids.
The research team used bright galaxies to trace the structure of dark matter and compared it with computer simulations to predict the number and sizes of voids.

Princeton University graduate student Charlie Conroy measured the sizes of voids in the SDSS-II maps. "When we used galaxies brighter than the Milky Way to trace structure, the biggest empty voids we found were about 75 million light years across," said Conroy. "And the predictions from the simulations were bang-on."

The sizes of voids are ultimately set, Conroy explained, by the small variations in the primordial distribution of dark matter, and by the amount of time that gravity has had to grow these small variationsinto large structures.

The agreement between the simulations and the measurements holds for both red (old) and blue (new) galaxies, said Tinker. "Halos of a given mass seem to form similar galaxies, both in numbers of stars and in the ages of those stars, regardless of where the halos live."

Tinker presented his findings today at an international symposium in Chicago, titled "The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Asteroids to Cosmology." A paper detailing the analysis will appear in the September 1 edition of The Astrophysical Journal, with the title "Void Statistics in Large Galaxy Redshift Surveys: Does Halo Occupation of Field Galaxies Depend on Environment?"


Green tea protects livers

20 Feb. 2005

A new study investigating the effects of the major flavonoid component of green tea on hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) found that it significantly protected livers that suffered ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury in mice. I/R injury, which is caused by decreased blood flow, can lead to complications after liver transplantation.

The results of this study appear in the March 2005 issue of Liver Transplantation, the official journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) and the International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS). The journal is published on behalf of the societies by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and is available online via Wiley InterScience.

Approximately one-fifth of the U.S. population is afflicted with hepatic steatosis due to a rising incidence of obesity. Because fatty livers are more sensitive than lean livers to I/R injury and are associated with an increased risk of disease and death, this has resulted in fewer usable donors for liver transplants. In fact, nearly one-third of all donated livers are afflicted with fatty changes, but longer waiting lists are forcing practitioners to consider using these organs. A previous study found that rinsing livers with a solution containing green tea extract prevented failures in transplants using fatty livers. The current study examined whether (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the major flavonoid component found in green tea, protected fatty livers from cell damage after I/R injury.

Led by Kenneth D. Chavin, M.D., Ph.D., of the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC, researchers administered EGCG either orally or by injection and performed surgery to induce I/R injury in mice; control groups did not receive the EGCG. Mice receiving EGCG by either method showed a survival rate of 100 percent, versus 65 percent for the controls. Tissue analysis showed that the EGCG mice had decreased necrosis (cell death) and a higher percentage of viable tissue, demonstrating that the flavonoid protected the liver from I/R injury.

The next step was to determine the mechanism by which EGCG protected fatty liver cells from I/R injury. Researchers developed a technique to measure fatty acids and found that levels of palmitic and linoleic acid, two fatty acids that are present in large amounts in fatty livers, decreased significantly in EGCG treated mice. Further tests revealed an increase in hepatic energy stores (one of the liver's functions is to store energy in the form of glycogen) in EGCG mice and showed that EGCG was acting as an antioxidant, thereby protecting fatty livers from I/R injury. In addition, the study showed that EGCG reduced liver fat content by approximately 55 percent. "Significant differences to the fat content, energy stores and markers of cellular injury were observed regardless of how the compound was administered," the authors note.

The authors conclude that "the data presented here indicates that EGCG protects the steatotic liver from I/R injury by reducing hepatic fat content, increasing energy stores, serving as an antioxidant and may stimulate the production of additional antioxidants such as GSH." They add that these activities warrant further investigation and that a thorough understanding of how ECGC acts may suggest its use as a therapeutic agent for fatty livers used in liver transplants.

Read also:

Body Puts Cells 'Under Arrest' To Protect Against Liver Disease


Green tea extract has potential as an anti-cancer agent

Green tea boosts exercise endurance


sábado, 16 de agosto de 2008

The Danger of Stress

August 15, 2008
By Melinda Wenner

Getting stressed isn't just a state of mind.

It can also seriously harm the body.

You probably think you're doing everything you can to stay healthy: you get lots of sleep, exercise regularly and try to avoid fried foods. But you may be forgetting one important thing. Relax! Stress has a bigger impact on your health than you might realize, according to research presented yesterday at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association in Boston.

Ohio State University psychologist Janice Kiecolt-Glaser and her partner, Ronald Glaser, an OSU virologist and immunologist, have spent 20-odd years researching how stress affects the immune system, and they have made some startling discoveries. An easy example comes from their work with caregivers, people who look after chronically ailing spouses or parents (no one would argue that this role is quite stressful). In one experiment, Kiecolt-Glaser and her colleagues administered flu vaccines to caregivers and control subjects and compared the numbers of antibodies—proteins involved in immune reactions—that the two groups produced in response. Only 38 percent of the caregivers produced what is considered an adequate antibody response compared to 66 percent of their relaxed counterparts, suggesting that the caregivers' immune systems weren't doing their jobs very well—and that the stress of caregiving ultimately put them at an increased risk of infection.

If stress affects immune responses, then it should also affect how well the body heals itself. In one particularly cringe-worthy study, Kiecolt-Glaser and her colleagues afflicted a group of caregivers with small arm wounds using a tool dermatologists use to perform skin biopsies. The caregivers' wounds took 24 percent longer to heal than wounds that they had afflicted to non-caregivers.

Okay, but what if caregiving isn't an accurate proxy for stress? To explore other stressful situations, Kiecolt-Glaser and colleagues performed another experiment in which they produced tiny lesions in the mouths of—quite appropriately—11 dental students at two different points in time. Once was during their summer vacation, when they were relaxed, and once was during the fall, several days before a difficult exam. The lesions done before the exam took from two to eight days longer to heal than the summer wounds. For some subjects, the exam wounds took nearly twice as long to get better. Ouch.

How Stress Hurts

It might seem counterintuitive, but Kiecolt-Glaser believes that stress makes our immune systems less effective because it actually elicits an immune response itself. Stress, she says, causes the body to release pro-inflammatory cytokines, immune factors that initiate responses against infections. When the body produces these cytokines over long periods of time—for instance, as a result of chronic stress—all sorts of bad things can happen. Not only does it hamper our body's ability to fight infection and heal wounds, but chronic inflammation also increases our risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, and autoimmune diseases including type 2 diabetes.

What's more, because regular stress causes a chronic immune response, it can also increase a person's risk for allergies, which occur when the body elicits a chronic immune response against something that's not really dangerous (like pollen). In her most recent study, announced yesterday, Kiecolt-Glaser found that when people are under lots of stress—for instance, when they are forced to deliver a speech or do difficult math problems on the spot—their allergies worsen over the course of the next day.

I admit, this post may not exactly have the intended effect—worrying about the danger of stress is definitely stressful—but take a deep breath. If you ask me, learning a few relaxation techniques sounds like a more appealing illness-prevention strategy than many other alternatives. (Go ahead and throw away that cod liver oil.) Indeed, the next time you feel guilty about enjoying a lazy Sunday, or taking a day off from work for the heck of it, think again. Your body will thank you for it.
