quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2009

De verzwegen kanten en ware achtergrond van vaccinaties

Maart 2009
Door Drs. John Consemulder

De verzwegen kanten en ware achtergrond van vaccinaties

“Trust me, I’m a doctor!” De meeste mensen hebben nog steeds een blind vertrouwen in het ‘feit’ dat vaccinaties ‘veilig en effectief’ zijn. Niets is minder waar! (1) Zelfs huisartsen zijn vaak niet volledig op de hoogte (tenzij zij hun kinderen zelf niet laten vaccineren en persoonlijk ook tegen chemotherapie zijn?) De waarheid is soms vreemder dan fictie. Het is dan ook even slikken (beter in de vorm van de waarheid dan in de vorm van een pil) om achter de ware achtergrond van vaccinaties te komen.

Vaccinaties bevatten ‘toegevoegde stoffen’ (lees: kwik, aluminium en ander gif voor ons immuunsysteem en hersenen, een soort ‘gratis vaccinatie E-nummers’ (2)) en worden gekweekt met vreemdsoortig DNA (lees: onvoorspelbaar genetisch materiaal van dieren, bijvoorbeeld de fijngemalen nieren van apen). (3)

De ware bio-energetische, elektragenetische en bio-elektromagnetische huishouding van ons DNA en immuunsysteem en lichamelijk functioneren wordt ernstig verstoord door vaccinaties met vreemdsoortig DNA en gif dat in vaccinaties zit. (4) Dit is tevens de reden waarom studies van telecom bedrijven alleen ‘thermische effecten’ van straling aantonen- vergelijkbaar met de eigen ‘objectieve’ belangenverstrengeling studies van Merck -, want wat blijkt uit inmiddels duizenden studies: de niet-thermische effecten zijn kankerverwekkend en neurotoxisch! (5) Het toedienen van vaccinaties heeft ook een aantoonbaar verband met wiegendood (6) bij baby’s, en de drastische toename in ADHD, autisme en kanker en immunologische en hersenziektes! (7)

Worden natuurlijke kinderziektes vervangen door bewust verborgen sterilisatie in de vorm van Gardasil (van fabrikant Merck, Cervarix is van GlaxoSmithKline), de nieuwste poging om baarmoederhalskanker ‘tegen te gaan’? (8) Het middel (de nieuwe vorm van DES? (9)) is niet alleen schadelijk en gevaarlijk (het vaccin kan het risico op kanker juist verhogen!), het is zelfs niet effectief en onnodig. (10) Is het nu wederom de beurt aan onze kinderen om als proefkonijnen te dienen voor populatiecontrole? Zeker omdat Gardasil juist niet is getest op de leeftijdsgroep van 9 tot 15 jarigen en ook niet is getest op een termijn langer dan 5 jaar (11), terwijl juist kanker zich sluimerend kan ontwikkelen! Wat ook niet wordt vermeld is dat er ondertussen vele kinderen zijn gestorven (zeker 18 en minstens 9.000 ongevallen, en bedenk dan dat er maar zo,n 10 % van de ongevallen wordt gerapporteerd) (12) en er juist kanker gecreëerd wordt. Juist gevaccineerde personen kunnen niet-gevaccineerde personen besmetten (ook als zij zelf niet ziek zijn!). (13)

Wat weinig mensen namelijk weten, is dat er groeperingen actief bezig zijn om de gehele wereldbevolking drastisch te verminderen, groeperingen met Nazi banden. Vaccinaties is een middel wat hierbij ingezet wordt. Niet geheel vreemd, want het gas uit de gaskamers was afkomstig van I.G. Farben (partner van de-populatie activist Rockefeller). En Merck (van oudsher betrokken bij o.a. nationale veiligheid en biologische oorlogsvoering projecten, waarbij juist het creëren van virussen als wapen met onvoorspelbare en mogelijk gevaarlijke eigenschappen en het uitschakelen van het immuunsysteem door “stealth” virussen en mutaties centraal staan!) is de organisatie die, rechtstreeks via Hitler’s hoofd financiële zaken en raketten productie top minister Martin Bohrman, het grootste deel van de ‘oorlogsbuit’ heeft ontvangen na WW2! Ook I.G. Farben (de producent van het gaskamer gas) ontving een aardige Nazi schat aan inkomsten. Ook is Merck in verband gebracht met het leger, de CIA en ‘national security’ projecten. Daarnaast was Merck verantwoordelijk voor de hepatitis B vaccinaties in de jaren 70 die hoogst waarschijnlijk hebben geleid tot het ware ontstaan van AIDS! (14)

Dus het ‘donkerbruine’ vermoeden bestaat dat de genocide ‘subtiel’ door loopt in onze tijd, gefinancierd door Nazi (en NASA en CIA, beiden doordrongen met en opgestart door Nazi wetenschappers die gered zijn via ‘Operation Paperclip’!) (15) geldstromen. Hitler zei zelf al dat een leugen makkelijker wordt aanvaard als hij groter is en vaker wordt herhaald. Merck drukt het mogelijk ‘biologische onvruchtbaarheidwapen’ Gardasil er werkelijk door heen met fanatieke campagnes en marketing en dat terwijl de lange termijn effecten niet bekend zijn en uitstrijkjes nog steeds nodig zijn. Sterker nog: Gardasil is niet eens getest op de carcinogene en genotoxische effecten. (16) Lees: het kan ‘mogelijk’ kankerverwekkend en giftig zijn en schade brengen aan het DNA, maar zeker is dat er niet getest is of kanker daadwerkelijk bestreden wordt!

Het genetisch gemanipuleerde Gardasil zou dus het perfecte sterilisatiemiddel kunnen zijn, als geboortebeperking en populatiecontrole op het verlanglijstje staan. En ons RIVM (en de WHO, UN, FDA, CIC) heeft verschillende petten op, dus verwacht geen steun van hen. (17) Het middel is er, terwijl het niet voldoet aan de 7 criteria die gehanteerd hadden moeten worden om überhaupt opgenomen te kunnen worden in het ‘Reichs-program’! (18) En dat terwijl er jaarlijks 10 maal zo veel mensen sterven aan griep ( en nee, ook geen griepprik halen dus…) En ook betekent het hebben van een HPV infectie niet automatisch dat kanker zich zal gaan manifesteren, zeker niet omdat deze vaccinatie slecht een aantal van de vele mogelijke stammen aanpakt. (19) Maar ondanks ernstige bezwaren is het vaccin nu zelfs vervroegd opgenomen, en wordt meisjes bij sommige GGD’s zelf een gratis Ipod voorgehouden om toch vooral die drie vreselijke prikken te ondergaan (20) (altijd lastig die halsstarrige en wispelturige jeugd, moeilijk onder controle te brengen blijkbaar). Was het niet voldoende om de ouders emotioneel te chanteren? Nu worden onze kinderen direct aangevallen. Laten we het andersom doen: voor elk 1000e kind wat zich niet laat vaccineren, verloot ik een gratis Ipod! “Be the Ipod you want to see in the world”, zei Gandhi al geloof ik.

Het verplicht stellen van het vaccin wordt Merck’s belangrijkste winstmaker. Liever een Ipod dan gezondheid? Liever kankerverwekkende E-nummers handel dan de Eed van Hippocrates (“Gij zult geen schade berokkenen”?) te handhaven? Laat u kinderen niet vaccineren, ze ontvangen al genoeg kankerverwekkende voeding en onzichtbare straling van hun mobieltje en uw DECT-telefoon en draadloos Internet in huis, vindt u niet!? Gezondheid is uw geboorterecht, onnodig lijden komt voort uit onwetendheid, onnodig leiden komt voort uit de leugen van ‘nationale veiligheid’ en ons gebrek aan de vrijheid van een heldere keuze. ‘Spuiten en slikken’, of liefde, zelfbeschikking en het zelfhelende vermogen van het lichaam aanspreken? Ver-trouwen? De politiek was u voor en koos verslaafd voor de sluipmoordenaar die spuit heet. De keus is nu aan U…

Onlangs ware wij in de tempels van Egypte en daar ontvingen wij (voorspeld door multidimensionaal trance-medium Judith Moore nota bene) een soort ‘new gospel’ die wij spontaan doorkregen en zongen. Dit is de mijn inziens zeer toepasselijke tekst die ik nu met jullie deel (muzikale versies zijn in de maak, ook plannen met een koor en groepen kinderen in diverse talen!)…

“I Pray for The Children
I Pray for The Child
I Pray for my Inner Child
I Pray for My Child”

Toegevoegde informatie (21):

De ware rol van ons DNA is niet biochemisch, maar bio-akoestisch en elektromagnetisch en speelt een belangrijke rol in het optimaal functioneren van ons lichaam (vooral de energetische omgeving waarin DNA zich bevindt)! De ‘werkelijke werkelijkheid’ van cellulaire regulatie en communicatie binnen (en non-lokaal ook buiten!) het lichaam vindt plaats in de wereld van trilling, frequenties, biofotonen, geluid, licht en energiepatronen. Deze sturen biochemische veranderingen op een fundamenteel niveau aan, niet pillen of stoffen. Onze huidige farmaceutische (70 procent placebo) pillen industrie zou feitelijk de ‘alternatieve geneeskunde’ moeten zijn, werkelijke en ware genezing vindt namelijk plaats op het fundamentelere bio-energetische, bio-akoestische, elektragenetische en bio-elektromagnetische niveau! De wereld van geluid, licht en energie dus, de wereld van frequenties, resonanties en activaties dus…Helende informatieoverdracht hoeft niet plaats te vinden in de vorm van een schadelijke pil met bijwerkingen geleverd door de ‘betrouwbare en op uw gezondheid ingestelde’ artsenbezoeker in dienst van de farmaceutische maffia, het kan gratis (net als de energie uit uw stop! -contact trouwens) , veilig, spiritueel verantwoord en bio-energetisch! En vergeet niet, liefde overWINT alles, maar strijden voor uw recht mag en is geen overbodige luxe. Maar angst is een slechte raadgever, interpreteert u deze informatie dan ook als een omslag in uw denken en bewustzijn, zodat u ditmaal ook echt bewust kunt zijn…en kiezen!


1: Zie de boeken van Dr. Leonard Horowitz: ‘Emerging Viruses, AIDS & Ebola. Nature, Accident or Intentional?’, Tetahedron Publishing, 1999 en ‘Death in The Air’, Tetrahedron Publishing 2001, vooral pagina 255-299 en ‘DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral’, Tetrahedron Publishing, 2004.

Zie ook het boek van Neil Z. Miller: ‘Vaccines, Are They Really Safe & Effective?’, New Atlantean Press, 2008, vooral ook pagina 67-72 over HPV (cervical cancer, baarmoederhalskanker).

Zie ook het boek van Lynne McTaggart: ‘Wat artsen je niet vertellen, over de gevaren van moderne geneeskunde’, Lemniscaat, 2005, pagina 140-186.

Zie ook de belangrijke DVD’s van Leonard Horowitz: ‘Emerging Viruses and Vaccinations’, New Science Ideas, 2006 en ‘Anthrax-Smallpox vaccinations and the Mark of the Beast’, New Science Ideas , 2006.

Zie ook het boek ‘Vaccination, a Medical Assault on the Immune System’, ISBN 0-646-15124-X, van Dr. Vierra Scheibner.

Zie verder ook de artikelen ‘Vaccinaties, waan, of waarheid?’ (2006), ‘Vaccinatie…Het failliet van een mythe’ (2007) en ‘Vaccins, kwik en autisme’ (2005) en het artikel ‘Gardasil, recombinant humaan papilloma virus vaccin’ (Arts en Apotheker, nummer 6-2007, pagina 20-28) van Désirée Röver.

En zie ook het artikel ‘Onvoldoende gronden voor opname van vaccinatie tegen Humaan papillomavirus in het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma’, Ned. Tijdschrift geneeskunde, 2008, I.M.C.M. de Kok, J.D.F. Habbema, M.J.E. Mourits, J.W.W. Coebergh en F.E. van Leeuwen.

2: Corinne Gouget, Wat zit er in uw eten?, Uitgeverij Bouillion Bilthoven, 2008.

3: Zie 1 en zie het boek van David Kirby: ‘Evidence of Harm, the mercury in vaccines’, ISBN 0-9578007

4: Zie voor de ware aard en werking van ons DNA het boek ‘DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral’‘Blauwdruk, de multidimensionale werkelijkheid van creatie en manifestatie’ van John Consemulder, Ankh-Hermes, 2008.

5: Zie het boek ‘Blauwdruk, de multidimensionale werkelijkheid van creatie en manifestatie van John Consemulder, Ankh-Hermes, 2008 en het boek Onzichtbare risico’s in het Draadloze Tijdperk, deel 1, The Cross in the Circle of Light, 2008 van Karel & Caroline van Huffelen voor inzicht in het natuurlijke elektromagnetisme in het lichaam en de gevolgen van onnatuurlijk elektromagnetisme.

6: Zie het boek ‘Vaccination, a Medical Assault on the Immune System’, ISBN 0-646-15124-X, van Dr. Vierra Scheibner. En zie haar boek ‘Behavioral Problems in Children, the Vaccination Link’, ISBN 0-9578007-0-3.

7: Zie 6 en 3

8: Zie voor dit soort misdadige wanpraktijken het werk van Horowitz, die aantoont dat er machtige geheime groeperingen wereldwijd bezig zijn met het verminderen van de wereldbevolking, onder andere met hulp van sommige abortusklinieken en ‘population control’ klinieken, Zoe onder andere in ‘Emerging Viruses’ en ‘Death in the Air’ en zijn DVD’s.

9: Voor de achtergronden, zie 8. Ook in het boek ‘Chemo? Of kan ik zelf kiezen?’ , van Henk Trentelman, wordt deze vraag gesteld. In dit boek vindt u ook een discussie over Gardasil.

10: zie 1, vooral het werk van Henk Trentelman en het werk van Désirée Röver.

11: Zie het artikel ‘Onvoldoende gronden voor opname van vaccinatie tegen Humaan papillomavirus in het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma’, Ned. Tijdschrift geneeskunde, 2008, I.M.C.M. de Kok, J.D.F. Habbema, M.J.E. Mourits, J.W.W. Coebergh en F.E. van Leeuwen. Zie ook het boek ‘Chemo? Of kan ik zelf kiezen?’ van Henk Trentelman en het artikel over Gardasil (en haar aankomend boek over baarmoederhalskanker) van Désirée Röver.

Zie ook de artikelen ‘Wacht met vaccin baarmoederhalskanker’ (Bron: frontpage.fok.nl) en ‘’Massavaccinatie tegen baarmoederhalskanker bij meisjes, uitgebreide info’ (Bron: Grenswetenschap.nl) en ‘Miljoenenstrijd om de Baarmoederhals wegens Gigantische Afzetmarkt’ en de diverse links die hier genoemd worden, te vinden op de website www.niburu.nl

12: Voor de onderrapportage, zie het boek en de DVD ‘Ermerging Viruses’ van Leonard Horowitz. Zie verder ook 1.

13: Zie 1.

14: Zie voor een uitgebreid verslag over de praktijken van I.G. Farben (maker van het concentratiekamp gas in WW2 en partner in crime van Rockefeller’s Standard Oil) o.a. het boek ‘The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben-The alarming story of the monster German chemical combine that powered Hitler’s march toward world conquest!’, van Joseph Borkin, The Free Press, 1978.

Zie het boek ‘David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy’, David Icke Books Ltd, 2007, van David Icke.

Zie voor de Nazi en vrijmetselarij banden met de CIA en de NASA het boek ‘Dark Mission, the secret history of NASA’ , Feral House, 2007 van Richard C. Hoagland en Mike Bara, zie vooral pagina 222-255.

Zie ook de boeken ‘Hidden Truth-Forbidden Knowledge’ en ‘Disclosure’ van Steven Greer voor een inzicht in de verborgen machtsstructuren die geheime projecten financieren met als doel de totale wereldpopulatie drastisch te reduceren.

Voor de Nazi banden van Merck, zie het boek ‘Emerging Viruses’ van Leonard Horowitz, pagina 334-346 en zie 363-366 en hoofdstuk 22 ‘The special virus cancer program’’. Met betrekking tot Merck en het AIDS virus, zie pagina 494-502.

De opmerking over het ontvangen van een groot deel van de Nazi oorlogsbuit via Hitler’s top minister Martin Bohrmann vindt u op pagina 335.

Zie ook het stuk over vaccinaties (en populatiecontrole) in het boek ‘Worden Wij Wakker’ van Marcel Messing, Ankh-Hermes, 2007, vooral pagina 203-211.

Voor de geschiedenis van Merck en de relatie met biologische oorlogvoering en nationale veiligheid, zie het boek ‘Emerging Viruses’ van Leonard Horowitz, maar ook het Nederlandstalige stuk ‘ken uw geschiedenis’ in het artikel ‘Gardasil, recombinant humaan papilloma virus vaccin’ (Arts en Apotheker, nummer 6-2007, pagina 20-28) van Désirée Röver.

15: Operation paperclip was een geheime operatie waarbij belangrijke Nazi wetenschappers (vooral degene met kennis over antizwaartekracht technologie en andere geheime Nazi technologie) na de tweede wereldoorlog in het geheim via ‘the ratline’ van het Vaticaan naar America werden gehaald. Vele ex-Nazi wetenschappers begonnen een nieuwe loopbaan bij de CIA, NASA en andere ‘national security’ of ‘black operation’ projecten.

Zie Steven Greer’s ‘Disclosure’, het boek ‘Pentagon Aliens’, Creatopia, 1999 van William Lyne en ander werk.

16: In een FDA report, zie het artikel ‘Gardasil, recombinant humaan papilloma virus vaccin’ (Arts en Apotheker, nummer 6-2007, pagina 20-28) van Désirée Röver en de eerder genoemde artikel op www.niburu.nl , hier vindt u ook weer verwijzingen naar andere specifieke literatuur.

17: Zie punt 8 en het werk van David Icke, vooral zijn laatste boek ‘David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy’, David Icke Books Ltd, 2007.

18: Zie het artikel ‘Onvoldoende gronden voor opname van vaccinatie tegen Humaan papillomavirus in het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma’, Ned. Tijdschrift geneeskunde, 2008, I.M.C.M. de Kok, J.D.F. Habbema, M.J.E. Mourits, J.W.W. Coebergh en F.E. van Leeuwen.

19: Zie het artikel ‘Gardasil, recombinant humaan papilloma virus vaccin’ (Arts en Apotheker, nummer 6-2007, pagina 20-28) van Désirée Röver.

20: Dit artikel van Frederiek Weeda vond ik als artikel op www.niburu.nl, op 19 februari 2009, directe aanleiding tot dit schrijven en het besluit om hier op 03 maart en 07 maart 2009 lezingen over te geven in Heemstede, zie agenda op www.healingsoundmovement.com . Inmiddels gaan er ook kamervragen gesteld worden over de ‘Ipodgate affaire’ vernam ik op de VARA website bij het programma Zembla (die hier al eerder aandacht aan heeft besteed).

21: Een uitgebreide uitleg over de ‘werkelijke werkelijkheid’ van gezondheid en lichamelijk functioneren, vindt u in mijn boek ‘Blauwdruk, de multidimensionale werkelijkheid van creatie en manifestatie’. Ook het belangrijke werk van Dr. Leonard Horowitz komt hier aan de orde (in het Nederlands). Ook vindt u hier een goede uitleg hoe medicijnen, vaccinaties en biochemische actie feitelijk werken in ons lichaam. Het boek bevat veel revolutionaire inzichten en implicaties voor ware gezondheid, heling en een nieuwe geneeskunde die gebaseerd is op energetisch genezen met geluid, licht en energievelden! Op mijn website vindt u meer informatie. Het boek is ook rechtstreeks via mij te bestellen.

Voor meer informatie, zie mijn website www.healingsoundmovement.com en mijn boek ‘Blauwdruk, de multidimensionale werkelijkheid van creatie en manifestatie, Ankh-Hermes bv, 2008 en de boeken ‘Death in the Air’ , Emerging Viruses’ en DNA, Pirates of the Sacred Spiral’ van Dr. Leonard Horowitz. Voor specifieke informatie over Gardasil raadt ik u het boek ‘Chemo? Of kan ik zelf kiezen?’ van Henk Trentelman en artikelen en het aankomende boek over baarmoederhalskanker van Désirée Röver aan. Daarnaast zijn er veel boeken die aantonen dat de farmaceutische industrie niet zozeer gericht is op het optimaliseren van uw gezondheid, eerder het afzwakken ervan. Vitamine C is net als vrije energie niet te patenteren, en helaas blijkt ‘kankerbestrijding’, het ‘genezen’ van ziekten en de verkoop van pillen een ongelofelijke hoeveelheid geld op te leveren en dus een uiterst lucratieve zaak te zijn. Lees boeken als ‘Big Pharma: Exposing the Global Healthcare Agenda’ van Jacky Law en ‘The Truth About the Drug Companies’ van John Hoey en vraag u daarna aan wie u uw gezondheid overlaat. Ik wil hierbij mensen uit ons netwerk bedanken voor hun steun en de mensen van www.niburu.nl wil ik bedanken voor het ondersteunen van dit soort belangrijke informatie!
Drs. John Consemulder, Neuropsycholoog en onafhankelijk bewustzijnsonderzoeker (www.healingsoundmovement.com)

Zie ook

Drs. John Consemulder (www.healingsoundmovement.com)
Source: http://argusoog.punt.nl

10 Habits of Highly Effective Brains

December 18, 2007
by Alvaro Fernandez

If you are reading this, the good news is that you have a brain inside your head. And you have probably read about the emerging brain fitness movement: frequent articles in the media, an ongoing PBS special, more and more products and games.

Newsweek's Sharon Begley recently wrote that "With the nation's 78 million baby boomers approaching the age of those dreaded "where did I leave my keys?" moments, it's no wonder the market for computer-based brain training has shot up from essentially zero in 2005 to $80 million this year, according to the consulting firm SharpBrains."

Now, before you embark on buying any of those programs, you should know that there is a lot we can do without spending a dime. Based on dozens of interviews with scientists and recent research findings, let's take a look at some of the habits of Highly Effective Brains:

1. Learn what is the "It" in "Use It or Lose It". A basic understanding will serve you well to appreciate your brain's beauty as a living and constantly-developing dense forest with billions of neurons and synapses.

2. Take care of your nutrition. Did you know that the brain only weighs 2% of body mass but consumes over 20% of the oxygen and nutrients we intake? As a general rule, you don't need expensive ultra-sophisticated nutritional supplements, just make sure you don't stuff yourself with the "bad stuff".

3. Remember that the brain is part of the body. Things that exercise your body can also help sharpen your brain: physical exercise enhances neurogenesis.

4. Practice positive, future-oriented thoughts until they become your default mindset and you look forward to every new day in a constructive way. Stress and anxiety, no matter whether induced by external events or by your own thoughts, actually kills neurons and prevents the creation of new ones. You can think of chronic stress as the opposite of exercise: it prevents the creation of new neurons.

5. Thrive on Learning and Mental Challenges. The point of having a brain is precisely to learn and to adapt to challenging new environments. Once new neurons appear in your brain, where they stay in your brain and how long they survive depends on how you use them. "Use It or Lose It" does not mean "do crossword puzzle number 1,234,567". It means, "challenge your brain often with fundamentally new activities."

6. We are (as far as we know) the only self-directed organisms in this planet. Aim high. Once you graduate from college, keep learning. The brain keeps developing, no matter your age, and it reflects what you do with it.

7. Explore, travel. Adapting to new locations forces you to pay more attention to your environment. Make new decisions, use your brain.

8. Don't Outsource Your Brain. Not to media personalities, not to politicians, not to your smart neighbor, not to this blogger... Make your own decisions, and mistakes. And learn from them. That way, you are training your brain, not your neighbor's.

9. Develop and maintain stimulating friendships. We are "social animals", and need social interaction. Which, by the way, is why the Baby Einstein series has been shown not to be the panacea for children development.

10. Laugh. Often. Especially to cognitively complex humor, full of twists and surprises. Better, try to become the next Jon Stewart, and create your own unique humor.

Keep in mind that what counts is not reading this article-or any other one-, but practicing a bit every day until small steps snowball into unstoppable, internalized habits...so, pick your next battle and try to start improving at least one of these 10 habits during the holidays!

For more in-depth information on these topics, spiced by brain teasers, check our SharpBrains website. And make sure to visit my Huffington Post blog every Monday to read new content.

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com

This $3 Idea Could Be Your Secret to Success

Fevreiro 2009
By Alex Goumakos
Creator of The Secret of Wealth Attraction

What a difference an idea makes!

In his book, Brainstorming: How to Create Successful Ideas, Professor Charles Clark writes:

"You will see the difference an idea makes in the men and women who move ahead. You will see it in the products which make sales records. You will see it in the business which prospers. You will see it in the profit and loss statements, on the stock exchange, in the delicatessen which closes, in the headlines. You will see it in your home and other homes, in the family which does things, in your church and lodge, in your political party, in your government. The one quality which turns the ordinary into the extraordinary is ideas."

And here is the great news…

Whatever challenges you currently face …money, marital, spiritual, occupational, business, personal… the solution — in the form of an idea — already exists. You simply aren’t aware of it yet.

The question is not, "Is there a way out of my predicament?", but rather…

"When my solution comes, will I be prepared to receive it?"

I believe — as do many others — that all possible outcomes exist right now, simultaneously, in the present moment. Quantum physics even has a mind-blowing theory about it called the 'many-worlds interpretation'. This concept, by the way, is hardly new. For centuries, wise men and sages, have been teaching this very same notion.

But even more important than knowing your solution already exists, is recognizing that when it does indeed come, it will most likely come…and go…like a thief in the night. And unless you’re prepared to capture your solution before it gets away, you may be needlessly prolonging a difficult situation.

For many people, their success arrives nearly every day in what appears to be a series of random thoughts and ideas. I like to call them idea bursts. The good news is that we all have them. The bad news is that most of us let them get away.


Because when these ideas and thoughts arrive, they tend to come at a time when we are NOT in a position to capture them. As a result, we inadvertently allow them to take wings and fly away.

For example, it’s no accident that people get their best ideas and solutions while they are on vacation, in the shower, or while driving in their cars. Early morning before fully awake and just before drifting off to sleep are also times when ideas seem to abundantly flow …and easily escape.

Ideas, solutions, inspiration –and even great insight– are free to flow during these times because our conscious mind is relaxed and free of resistance. Unfortunately, only a small number of people actually do what it takes to capture ideas from this endless stream of immense wisdom and opportunity.

If you've been reading my blog posts over the past month or so, you’ll know that I’ve been referring to a success factor called the 1% difference.

Here it is again: The difference between success and mediocrity, between winners and losers, is oftentimes just a 1% difference.

As Andrew Carniege once said:

"You don’t need to know many things to succeed and get rich, IF you know the few things that are important."

After it is all said and done, success is just a series of simple things most people won’t do, don’t like to do, or can’t find the time to do. And by not doing these things, success won’t happen …period. It really IS that simple.

You don’t need to be a genius to become wealthy or successful, you just have to commit to doing a few, simple things on a consistent basis. It’s the 1% difference. And it’s the difference between a life of GREATNESS and one of constant struggle and mediocrity.

So, are you ready for today’s simple, MILLION DOLLAR TIP…..a tip which has turned more ‘little shots’ into ‘BIG SHOTS’, than any high-priced motivational seminar or trendy ’secret’ of success?

The Million Dollar Tip

Be prepared at all times to write down passing thoughts, ideas and concepts. This tip is so deceptively simple, yet so incredibly powerful, that most people mistakenly brush it aside.

Yet this humble little tip is responsible for creating so much more wealth and worldly magnificence than all other success ’secrets’ …combined.

Capturing Ideas - Your Secret Weapon to Unlimited Wealth

In my over 20 years as a business adviser, I never met one successful business owner who did NOT have the habit of carrying around a notepad or notebook with him or her at all times to write down passing ideas, thoughts, concepts and plans.

It’s no accident that many successful people carry around notepads.

Don’t believe me? Let’s see what a few famous successful and wealthy people think about the idea…

Aristotle Onasis, legendary Greek shipping tycoon, (he at one time owned over 200 companies) said:

"Always carry a notebook. Write everything down. When you have an idea, write it down. When you meet someone new, write down everything you know about them. That way you will know how much time they are worth. When you hear something interesting, write it down. Writing it down will make you act upon it. If you don’t write it down you will forget it. THAT is a million dollar lesson they don’t teach you in business school!"

Sir Richard Branson, English billionaire best known for his Virgin brand, prefers to conduct his business the same way he’s done it since the beginning; by writing all of his ideas in a notebook.

Branson says:

"I can’t believe when I see people not writing things down. You know they’re not going to remember everything."

Branson now has a collection of over 125 black ledger notebooks that he’s written in over the years. Think about this: Those notebooks probably cost him under $3 each, yet they’ve undoubtedly helped him to create billions. Do not overlook the fact that the simplest ideas are often the greatest in getting results.

Use What Works Best for YOU

You don’t really need to carry around a notebook or notepad. You simply use what works best for you.

Voice Zone digital recorderIn addition to ‘writing pads’ (which I leave all over the place in my home and office), I also like to use a pocket device called the Voice Zone digital recorder. It’s nothing fancy really (I’m sure there are much better ones), but it’s convenient — especially while driving — and much quicker than writing.

I take it with me everywhere because you just never know when a profitable idea is going to pop up out of nowhere. This little device (which cost about $30) has already paid for itself hundreds of times over.

ALSO BY ALEX GOUMAKOS: The 10 Best Kept Secrets of the Rich

Source: http://www.mindpowernews.com

Too Much Thinking Can Make You Fat, According to A New Study

December 2008

Researchers found the stress of thinking caused overeating with heavy thinkers seeking out more calories. The research team, supervised by Dr Angelo Tremblay, measured the spontaneous food intake of 14 students after each of three tasks.

The first was relaxing in a sitting position, the second reading and summarizing a text, and finally completing a series of memory, attention, and vigilance tests on the computer. After 45 minutes at each activity, participants were invited to eat as much as they wanted from a buffet. The researchers had already discovered that each session of intellectual work requires only three calories more than the rest period.

However, despite the low energy cost of mental work, the students spontaneously consumed 203 more calories after summarizing a text and 253 more calories after the computer tests. This represents a 23.6 per cent and 29.4 per cent increase, respectively, compared with the rest period.

Blood samples taken before, during, and after each session revealed that intellectual work causes much bigger fluctuations in glucose and insulin levels than rest periods. Jean-Philippe Chaput, the study's main author, said: "These fluctuations may be caused by the stress of intellectual work, or also reflect a biological adaptation during glucose combustion."

The body could be reacting to these fluctuations by spurring food intake in order to restore its glucose balance, the only fuel used by the brain. Mr Chaput added: "Caloric overcompensation following intellectual work, combined with the fact we are less physically active when doing intellectual tasks, could contribute to the obesity epidemic currently observed in industrialised countries. "This is a factor that should not be ignored, considering that more and more people hold jobs of an intellectual nature."

The results of the study, carried out at Universite Laval in Quebec, Canada, are published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine.

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk

terça-feira, 3 de março de 2009

How to survive the coming century

February 2009
by Gaia Vince

Alligators basking off the English coast; a vast Brazilian desert; the mythical lost cities of Saigon, New Orleans, Venice and Mumbai; and 90 per cent of humanity vanished. Welcome to the world warmed by 4 °C.

Explore an interactive map of the world warmed by 4 °C

Clearly this is a vision of the future that no one wants, but it might happen. Fearing that the best efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions may fail, or that planetary climate feedback mechanisms will accelerate warming, some scientists and economists are considering not only what this world of the future might be like, but how it could sustain a growing human population. They argue that surviving in the kinds of numbers that exist today, or even more, will be possible, but only if we use our uniquely human ingenuity to cooperate as a species to radically reorganise our world.

The good news is that the survival of humankind itself is not at stake: the species could continue if only a couple of hundred individuals remained. But maintaining the current global population of nearly 7 billion, or more, is going to require serious planning.

Four degrees may not sound like much - after all, it is less than a typical temperature change between night and day. It might sound quite pleasant, like moving to Florida from Boston, say, or retiring from the UK to southern Spain. An average warming of the entire globe by 4 °C is a very different matter, however, and would render the planet unrecognisable from anything humans have ever experienced. Indeed, human activity has and will have such a great impact that some have proposed describing the time from the 18th century onward as a new geological era, marked by human activity. "It can be considered the Anthropocene," says Nobel prizewinning atmospheric chemist Paul Crutzen of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, Germany.

A 4 °C rise could easily occur. The 2007 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, whose conclusions are generally accepted as conservative, predicted a rise of anywhere between 2 °C and 6.4 °C this century. And in August 2008, Bob Watson, former chair of the IPCC, warned that the world should work on mitigation and adaptation strategies to "prepare for 4 °C of warming".

A key factor in how well we deal with a warmer world is how much time we have to adapt. When, and if, we get this hot depends not only on how much greenhouse gas we pump into the atmosphere and how quickly, but how sensitive the world's climate is to these gases. It also depends whether "tipping points" are reached, in which climate feedback mechanisms rapidly speed warming. According to models, we could cook the planet by 4 °C by 2100. Some scientists fear that we may get there as soon as 2050.

If this happens, the ramifications for life on Earth are so terrifying that many scientists contacted for this article preferred not to contemplate them, saying only that we should concentrate on reducing emissions to a level where such a rise is known only in nightmares.

"Climatologists tend to fall into two camps: there are the cautious ones who say we need to cut emissions and won't even think about high global temperatures; and there are the ones who tell us to run for the hills because we're all doomed," says Peter Cox, who studies the dynamics of climate systems at the University of Exeter, UK. "I prefer a middle ground. We have to accept that changes are inevitable and start to adapt now."

Bearing in mind that a generation alive today might experience the scary side of these climate predictions, let us head bravely into this hotter world and consider whether and how we could survive it with most of our population intact. What might this future hold?

The last time the world experienced temperature rises of this magnitude was 55 million years ago, after the so-called Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum event. Then, the culprits were clathrates - large areas of frozen, chemically caged methane - which were released from the deep ocean in explosive belches that filled the atmosphere with around 5 gigatonnes of carbon. The already warm planet rocketed by 5 or 6 °C, tropical forests sprang up in ice-free polar regions, and the oceans turned so acidic from dissolved carbon dioxide that there was a vast die-off of sea life. Sea levels rose to 100 metres higher than today's and desert stretched from southern Africa into Europe.

While the exact changes would depend on how quickly the temperature rose and how much polar ice melted, we can expect similar scenarios to unfold this time around. The first problem would be that many of the places where people live and grow food would no longer be suitable for either. Rising sea levels - from thermal expansion of the oceans, melting glaciers and storm surges - would drown today's coastal regions in up to 2 metres of water initially, and possibly much more if the Greenland ice sheet and parts of Antarctica were to melt. "It's hard to see west Antarctica's ice sheets surviving the century, meaning a sea-level rise of at least 1 or 2 metres," says climatologist James Hansen, who heads NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York. "CO2 concentrations of 550 parts per million [compared with about 385 ppm now] would be disastrous," he adds, "certainly leading to an ice-free planet, with sea level about 80 metres higher... and the trip getting there would be horrendous."

Half of the world's surface lies in the tropics, between 30° and -30° latitude, and these areas are particularly vulnerable to climate change. India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, for example, will feel the force of a shorter but fiercer Asian monsoon, which will probably cause even more devastating floods than the area suffers now. Yet because the land will be hotter, this water will evaporate faster, leaving drought across Asia. Bangladesh stands to lose a third of its land area - including its main bread basket.

The African monsoon, although less well understood, is expected to become more intense, possibly leading to a greening of the semi-arid Sahel region, which stretches across the continent south of the Sahara desert. Other models, however, predict a worsening of drought all over Africa. A lack of fresh water will be felt elsewhere in the world, too, with warmer temperatures reducing soil moisture across China, the south-west US, Central America, most of South America and Australia. All of the world's major deserts are predicted to expand, with the Sahara reaching right into central Europe.

Glacial retreat will dry Europe's rivers from the Danube to the Rhine, with similar effects in mountainous regions including the Peruvian Andes, and the Himalayan and Karakoram ranges, which as result will no longer supply water to Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Bhutan, India and Vietnam.

Along with the exhaustion of aquifers, all this will lead to two latitudinal dry belts where human habitation will be impossible, say Syukuro Manabe of Tokyo University, Japan, and his colleagues. One will stretch across Central America, southern Europe and north Africa, south Asia and Japan; while the other will cover Madagascar, southern Africa, the Pacific Islands, and most of Australia and Chile (Climatic Change, vol 64, p 59).

The high life

The only places we will be guaranteed enough water will be in the high latitudes. "Everything in that region will be growing like mad. That's where all the life will be," says former NASA scientist James Lovelock, who developed the "Gaia" theory, which describes the Earth as a self-regulating entity. "The rest of the world will be largely desert with a few oases."

So if only a fraction of the planet will be habitable, how will our vast population survive? Some, like Lovelock, are less than optimistic. "Humans are in a pretty difficult position and I don't think they are clever enough to handle what's ahead. I think they'll survive as a species all right, but the cull during this century is going to be huge," he says. "The number remaining at the end of the century will probably be a billion or less."

Humans will survive as a species, but the cull this century will be huge

John Schellnhuber of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research in Germany is more hopeful. The 4 °C warmer world would be a huge challenge, he says, but one we could rise to. "Would we be able to live within our resources, in this world? I think it could work with a new division of land and production."

In order to survive, humans may need to do something radical: rethink our society not along geopolitical lines but in terms of resource distribution. "We are locked into a mindset that each country has to be self-sustaining in food, water and energy," Cox says. "We need to look at the world afresh and see it in terms of where the resources are, and then plan the population, food and energy production around that. If aliens came to Earth they'd think it was crazy that some of the driest parts of the world, such as Pakistan and Egypt, grow some of the thirstiest crops for export, like rice."

Taking politics out of the equation may seem unrealistic: conflict over resources will likely increase significantly as the climate changes, and political leaders are not going to give up their power just like that. Nevertheless, overcoming political hurdles may be our only chance. "It's too late for us," says President Anote Tong of Kiribati, a submerging island state in Micronesia, which has a programme of gradual migration to Australia and New Zealand. "We need to do something drastic to remove national boundaries."

Cox agrees: "If it turns out that the only thing preventing our survival was national barriers then we would need to address this - our survival is too important," he says.

Imagine, for the purposes of this thought experiment, that we have 9 billion people to save - 2 billion more than live on the planet today. A wholescale relocation of the world's population according to the geography of resources means abandoning huge tracts of the globe and moving people to where the water is. Most climate models agree that the far north and south of the planet will see an increase in precipitation. In the northern hemisphere this includes Canada, Siberia, Scandinavia and newly ice-free parts of Greenland; in the southern hemisphere, Patagonia, Tasmania and the far north of Australia, New Zealand and perhaps newly ice-free parts of the western Antarctic coast.

We will need to abandon huge areas and move people to where the water is

If we allow 20 square metres of space per person - more than double the minimum habitable space allowed per person under English planning regulations - 9 billion people would need 180,000 square kilometres of land to live on. The area of Canada alone is 9.1 million square kilometres and, combined with all the other high-latitude areas, such as Alaska, Britain, Russia and Scandinavia, there should be plenty of room for everyone, even with the effects of sea-level rise.

These precious lands with access to water would be valuable food-growing areas, as well as the last oases for many species, so people would be need to be housed in compact, high-rise cities. Living this closely together will bring problems of its own. Disease could easily spread through the crowded population so early warning systems will be needed to monitor any outbreaks.

It may also get very hot. Cities can produce 2 °C of additional localised warming because of energy use and things like poor reflectivity of buildings and lower rates of evaporation from concrete surfaces, says Mark McCarthy, an urban climate modeller at the UK Met Office's Hadley Centre. "The roofs could be painted a light, reflective colour and planted with vegetation," McCarthy suggests.

Since water will be scarce, food production will need to be far more efficient. Hot growing seasons will be more common, meaning that livestock will become increasingly stressed, and crop growing seasons will shorten, according to David Battisti of the University of Washington in Seattle and his colleagues (Science, vol 323, p 240). We will need heat and drought-tolerant crop varieties, they suggest. Rice may have to give way to less thirsty staples such as potatoes.

Vegetarian dystopia

This will probably be a mostly vegetarian world: the warming, acidic seas will be largely devoid of fish, thanks to a crash in plankton that use calcium carbonate to build shells. Molluscs, also unable to grow their carbonate shells, will become extinct. Poultry may be viable on the edges of farmland but there will simply be no room to graze cattle. Livestock may be restricted to hardy animals such as goats, which can survive on desert scrub. One consequence of the lack of cattle will be a need for alternative fertilisers - processed human waste is a possibility. Synthetic meats and other foods could meet some of the demand. Cultivation of algal mats, and crops grown on floating platforms and in marshland could also contribute.

Supplying energy to our cities will also require some adventurous thinking. Much of it could be covered by a giant solar belt, a vast array of solar collectors that would run across north Africa, the Middle East and the southern US. Last December, David Wheeler and Kevin Ummel of the Center for Global Development in Washington DC calculated that a 110,000-square-kilometre area of solar panels across Jordan, Libya and Morocco would be "sufficient to meet 50 to 70 per cent of worldwide electricity production, or about three times [today's] power consumption in Europe". High-voltage direct current transmission lines could relay this power to the cities, or it could be stored and transported in hydrogen - after using solar energy to split water in fuel cells.

If the comparatively modest level of solar installation that Wheeler and Ummel propose were to begin in 2010, the total power delivery by 2020 could be 55 terawatt hours per year - enough to meet the household electricity demand of 35 million people. This is clearly not enough to provide power for our future 9 billion, but improving efficiency would reduce energy consumption. And a global solar belt would be far larger than the one Wheeler and Ummel visualise.

Nuclear, wind and hydropower could supplement output, with additional power from geothermal and offshore wind sources. Each high-rise community housing block could also have its own combined heat and power generator, running on sustainable sources, to supply most household energy.

If we use land, energy, food and water efficiently, our population has a chance of surviving - provided we have the time and willingness to adapt. "I'm optimistic that we can reduce catastrophic loss of life and reduce the most severe impacts," says Peter Falloon, a climate impacts specialist at the Hadley Centre. "I think there's enough knowledge now, and if it's used sensibly we could adapt to the climate change that we're already committed to for the next 30 or 40 years."

This really would be survival, though, in a world that few would choose to live. Large chunks of Earth's biodiversity would vanish because species won't be able to adapt quickly enough to higher temperatures, lack of water, loss of ecosystems, or because starving humans had eaten them. "You can forget lions and tigers: if it moves we'll have eaten it," says Lovelock. "People will be desperate."

Still, if we should find ourselves in such a state you can bet we'd be working our hardest to get that green and pleasant world back, and to prevent matters getting even worse. This would involve trying to limit the effects climate feedback mechanisms and restoring natural carbon sequestration by reinstating tropical forest. "Our survival would very much depend on how well we were able to draw down CO2 to 280 parts per million," Schellnhuber says. Many scientists think replanting the forests would be impossible above a certain temperature, but it may be possible to reforest areas known as "land-atmosphere hotspots", where even small numbers of trees can change the local climate enough to increase rainfall and allow forests to grow.

Ascension Island, a remote outpost buffeted by trade winds in the mid-Atlantic, may be a blueprint for this type of bioengineering. Until people arrived in the 17th century, vegetation was limited to just 25 scrubby species. But plantings by British servicemen posted there produced a verdant cloud forest. "It shows that if you have rainfall, forest can grow within a century," says ecologist David Wilkinson of Liverpool John Moores University in the UK, who studied the phenomenon.

Even so, the most terrifying prospect of a world warmed by 4 °C is that it may be impossible to return to anything resembling today's varied and abundant Earth. Worse still, most models agree that once there is a 4 °C rise, the juggernaut of warming will be unstoppable, and humanity's fate more uncertain than ever.

"I would like to be optimistic that we'll survive, but I've got no good reason to be," says Crutzen. "In order to be safe, we would have to reduce our carbon emissions by 70 per cent by 2015. We are currently putting in 3 per cent more each year."

Explore an interactive map of the world warmed by 4 °C

Gaia Vince is a freelance science writer who is travelling the world. www.wanderinggaia.com

From issue 2697 of New Scientist magazine, page 28-33. Subscribe and get 4 free issues. Browse past issues of New Scientist magazine

Source: http://www.newscientist.com

Anger really can kill you, U.S. study shows

Fevreiro 2009

Anger and other strong emotions can trigger potentially deadly heart rhythms in certain vulnerable people, U.S. researchers said on Monday.

Previous studies have shown that earthquakes, war or even the loss of a World Cup Soccer match can increase rates of death from sudden cardiac arrest, in which the heart stops circulating blood.

"It's definitely been shown in all different ways that when you put a whole population under a stressor that sudden death will increase," said Dr. Rachel Lampert of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, whose study appears in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

"Our study starts to look at how does this really affect the electrical system of the heart," Lampert said.

She and colleagues studied 62 patients with heart disease and implantable heart defibrillators or ICDs that can detect dangerous heart rhythms or arrhythmias and deliver an electrical shock to restore a normal heart beat.

"These were people we know already had some vulnerability to arrhythmia," Lampert said in a telephone interview.

Patients in the study took part in an exercise in which they recounted a recent angry episode while Lampert's team did a test called T-Wave Alternans that measures electrical instability in the heart.

Lampert said the team specifically asked questions to get people to relive the angry episode. "We found in the lab setting that yes, anger did increase this electrical instability in these patients," she said.

Next, they followed patients for three years to see which patients later had a cardiac arrest and needed a shock from their implantable defibrillator.

"The people who had the highest anger-induced electrical instability were 10 times more likely than everyone else to have an arrhythmia in follow-up," she said.

Lampert said the study suggests that anger can be deadly, at least for people who are already vulnerable to this type of electrical disturbance in the heart.

"It says yes, anger really does impact the heart's electrical system in very specific ways that can lead to sudden death," she said.

But she cautioned against extrapolating the results to people with normal hearts. "How anger and stress may impact people whose hearts are normal is likely very different from how it may impact the heart which has structural abnormalities," she said.

Lampert is now conducting a study to see if anger management classes can help decrease the risk of arrhythmia in this group of at-risk patients.

Sudden cardiac death accounts for more than 400,000 deaths each year in the United States, according to the American College of Cardiology. (Editing by Maggie Fox and Vicki Allen)

Source: http://www.godlikeproductions.com

More Evidence: HD TV is a Set Up for Mind Control

January 30, 2009
by A. True Ott, PhD

To begin with, take 10 minutes and watch this 60 Minutes video and read the full story at http://www.wariscrime.com

Source: http://www.wariscrime.com

Scientists Discover their Sixth Sense

February 26, 2009
by Peter Fotis Kapnistos

Psychic powers and extra-sensory perception (ESP) are among the most important unexplained phenomena today because belief in them is so prevalent. Scientists have examined people who claim to have psychic powers, but results under controlled laboratory conditions have until now remained unclear. In the meantime, countless UFO advocates wait for a coming “disclosure” of flying saucer evidence from world governments –– not simply to confirm that we are not alone in the universe, but to also bring in “alien technology” that may help us to use our minds and bodies to their full potential. A recent Newsweek magazine feature article candidly reported:

For if you have never had a paranormal experience such as these, and believe in none of the things that science says do not exist except as tricks played on the gullible or—as neuroscientists are now beginning to see—by the normal workings of the mind carried to an extreme, well, then you are in a lonely minority. According to periodic surveys by Gallup and other pollsters, fully 90 percent of Americans say they have experienced such things or believe they exist. [1]

“If you take the word ‘normal’ as characteristic of the norm or majority, then it is the superstitious and those who believe in ESP, ghosts and psychic phenomena who are normal.” Most scientists and skeptics argue, “Belief in anything for which there is no empirical evidence is a sign of mental pathology and not normalcy.” But can skeptics really classify 90 percent of a nation’s entire population as schizophrenics without appearing to be patently anti-democratic or irrational themselves? Less than 10 percent of the U.S. population is firmly skeptical. Most of the cynical observers are in some way connected to large university grants and to the powerful military-industrial complex that President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about in his 1961 farewell speech: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.”

Eminent skeptics are often associated with producing scientific weaponry or technical and biological systems for greedy economies based on perpetual conflicts. At one time or another, almost every great modern physicist has imagined becoming the next “father of the bomb.” This tiny group of skeptics has no real concern for the value of life or the human spirit, yet it manipulates enough control over the media and the financial markets of the world to present itself as the normal mentality or “standard” of intellect. “One such compensation, it is fair to say, is a feeling of intellectual superiority. It is rewarding to look at the vast hordes of believers, conclude that they are idiots and delight in the fact that you aren’t.” But ironically, among the bigheaded achievements of this small elitist group of scientific skeptics are global warming and economic meltdown –– massive failures in very plain terms.

Some 40 percent of Americans believe it's possible that aliens have abducted some of us, polls show, compared with 25 percent in the 1980s.

Faced with such daunting rising numbers, the skeptics have shifted their debunking strategies. They can no longer go on accusing “believers everywhere” of being mentally challenged. For, there are simply too many of them to represent a statistical eccentricity. Instead, the skeptics’ new game plan is to label such intuitive ideas as “normal workings of the mind” taken to a maximum value. They’re being nice about it nowadays, or more politically correct. But in that willowy gap, we can also catch a glimpse of some amazing discoveries that were cautiously kept out of the mainstream media until now. For example, the belief that animals have a sixth sense for danger is an ancient one. That theory is likely to gain acceptance as a result of what happened during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami:

Wild animals seem to have escaped the Indian Ocean tsunami, adding weight to notions they possess a “sixth sense” for disasters, experts said. Sri Lankan wildlife officials have said the giant waves that killed over 24,000 people along the Indian Ocean island's coast seemingly missed wild beasts, with no dead animals found.

“No elephants are dead, not even a dead hare or rabbit. I think animals can sense disaster. They have a sixth sense. They know when things are happening,” H.D. Ratnayake, deputy director of Sri Lanka's Wildlife Department, said.[2]

It was recently discovered that the same genes that give sharks their sixth sense and allow them to detect electrical signals are also responsible for the development of head and facial features in humans, according to a new study from the University of Louisiana. “The finding supports the idea that the early sea creatures that eventually evolved into humans could also sense electricity before they emerged onto land.”

Sharks have a network of special cells that can detect electricity, called electroreceptors, in their heads. They use them for hunting and navigation. This sense is so developed that sharks can find fish hiding under sand by honing in on the weak electrical signals emitted by their twitching muscles. [3]

Since 2001, Eric Stroud and Michael Herrmann have been working on a chemical shark repellent. According to Herrmann, he and Stroud were playing around with powerful rare-earth magnets in 2005, when he dropped one next to their shark research tank in Oak Ridge, New Jersey. The lemon and nurse sharks inside instantly darted to the opposite wall. “In testing at the Bimini Biological Research Station shark lab in the Bahamas, Stroud and Herrmann found that sharks dramatically avoid magnets made from neodymium, iron and boron. The magnets even rouse sharks from tonic immobility, a coma-like state induced by turning them upside down.” [4]

Biologist Rupert Sheldrake, author of “Dogs That Know When Their Owner is Coming Home,” believes that animals have perceptive abilities of telepathy and premonitions. Veterinarian and author Dr. Allan Schoen says in his book, “Kindred Spirits,” that people and animals are intimately connected. Pets whom we feel especially close to seem to understand our needs, read our moods, and even communicate with us on a level that transcends words or body language.

Physician and author Dr. Larry Dossey says there is a connection between all species, which is not limited by locality. He refers to it as a “nonlocal mind.” Consciousness is not restricted to the brain or the body, or time or place. Therefore, people and animals can have an effect on each other, even when miles apart. [5]

Can pets be so linked and in step with their owners when they are far apart, even when there is no possible way they could be using their sense of smell or hearing? An awareness of death is certainly not restricted to humans. The huge attention generated by the case of the intuitive American cat, “Oscar,” points to the interest psychic pet behavior holds:

Oscar lives in a nursing home and has an uncanny ability to sense when a resident is about to die. When a patient is near death, Oscar nearly always appears and hops on the bed. The staff have come to recognize and respect Oscar's instincts, and send for the relatives of any patient he has chosen to curl up beside. But they have no explanation for it. Oscar shows no interest in patients who are simply in poor shape, or who still have a few days to live.

Oscar, a hospice cat has an uncanny knack for predicting when nursing home patients are going to die. One theory says a cat's acute sensitivity to smell might enable it to detect some subtle change in metabolism around the time of death, but no one has been able to explain why any moggy should show an interest in the approach of the Grim Reaper. [6]

Have you ever noticed that herds of grazing animals all face the same way? Images from “Google Earth” have confirmed that cattle tend to align their bodies in a north-south direction. Wild deer also display this behavior –– a phenomenon that has apparently gone unnoticed by herdsmen and hunters for thousands of years. In the Proceedings for the National Academy of Sciences, scientists said the Earth’s magnetic fields may influence the behavior of these animals. The Earth can be viewed as a huge magnet, with magnetic north and south situated close to the geographical poles. Many species –– including birds and salmon –– are known to use the Earth’s magnetic fields in migration, rather like a natural GPS. A few studies have shown that some mammals –– including bats –– also use a “magnetic compass” to help their sense of direction.

Dr Sabine Begall, from the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, and colleagues surveyed Google Earth images of 8,510 grazing and resting cattle in 308 pasture plains across the globe. “Sometimes it took hours and hours to find some pictures with good resolution,” said Dr Begall. The scientists were unable to distinguish between the head and rear of the cattle, but could tell that the animals tended to face either north or south. [7] The scientists noted that it's amazing that “this ubiquitous phenomenon does not seem to have been noticed by herdsmen, ranchers, or hunters.”

Willy Miller –– a Scottish cattle farmer –– remarked: “I’ve never noticed that my cows all face the same way.”

Another German research team made the equally surprising discovery that magpies have a sense of self-recognition when looking in a mirror. Until now, this characteristic “human” capability has been seen clearly only in apes, though also, as the team noted, “at least suggestively in dolphins and elephants.” It also noted that the magpie findings “suggest that essential components of human self-recognition have evolved independently in different vertebrate classes with a separate evolutionary history.”

Discovery of a magnetic “sixth sense” in deer and cattle has a broad implication. Many life forms as diverse as birds and bacteria have it. They use it primarily for navigation.

But it is surprising to find it in pastoral cattle and foraging deer that do not appear to need such a navigational aid. The researchers said that the findings challenge neuroscientists and biophysicists to explain how this magnetic “sixth sense” works. [8]

The human sixth sense has been, by far, the most ridiculed and debunked individual ability throughout all the ages. But now, a sixth sense is finally being discovered, revealed, and even revered by some modern scientists –– without much anathema –– as our natural “sense of balance.” An up to date New York Times, International Herald Tribune newspaper story plainly reported:

Essential to a fully embodied sense of self is the vestibular system, a paired set of tiny sensory organs tucked deep into the temporal bone on either side of the head, right near the cochlea of the inner ear. The vestibular system isn’t a high-profile, elitist sense like the famed five of vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell. It’s more of a Joe Sixth-Sense, laboring in anonymity and frequently misunderstood. [9]

“Three of the organs are designed to detect twisting movements of the head, by sensing the discrepancy between the angular momentum of the membranes, which are attached to the bone, and that of the free-floating fluid, which lags slightly behind. The other two organs have tiny stones of calcium carbonate, which rise and fall like flakes in a snowglobe and so detect the effects of gravity and of linear head motions, if you’re walking forward, for example, or up stairs.”

Despite its meek status, the vestibular system has lately won fans among neuroscientists, who marvel at its sophistication and sensitivity, and how it tells us where we are and what we’re doing. It is not only crucial for perceptual stability, but it is also required to produce neural representations of the environment in order to accurately guide our behavior. Loss of function can produce an imbalance, which manifests as a dramatic, sudden onset of vertigo. “They praise the machine-tool precision of its parts, the way the vestibular system discovered the laws of Newtonian mechanics some 400 million years before Newton and then put those principles to use to provision the head with little organic gyroscopes and linear accelerometers.”

As evidence of the organ’s rising prestige, the first edition of the highly regarded U.S. college textbook “Sensation and Perception” (Sinauer, 2005) barely mentioned the vestibular system, but in the new edition that appeared in 2008, a standalone chapter on the subject closes the book. “I don't want to sound ungrateful,” said Daniel Merfeld, director of the vestibular physiology lab at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and associate professor at Harvard Medical School, who wrote the chapter. “I’m just glad to be included now.”

But if “balance” is indeed our sixth sense, what’s so psychic about it? In 1991, Martin Lenhardt of the University of Virginia discovered that people could hear ultrasonic speech, using the vestibular system as a hearing organ. Ultrasound is sound with a frequency greater than the upper limit of human hearing. In other words, a new technology bypasses the normal audio mechanisms used by the body to hear sounds and provides a direct neural stimulation to the brain.

So outlandish is the concept that humans can have the hearing range of specialized mammals, such as bats and toothed whales, that ultrasonic hearing has generally been relegated to the realm of parlor tricks rather than being considered the subject of scientific inquiry. [10]

The mental experience of “hearing voices” could consequently prove to be more than just hallucinations. The validity of ultrasonic hearing has already been clearly demonstrated by “playing opera” to a deaf subject. In one of the earliest reports, the experimental work of Dr. Roger Maass performed in 1946 was cited. “Maass, never credited again for his original discovery, made all the essential observations in regard to ultrasonic hearing phenomenology.” In 1962, Pat Flanagan was the subject of a Life magazine profile that described the teenage inventor as a “unique, mature and inquisitive scientist.”

At 15, Flanagan had already begun to demonstrate the invention that would change his life: the neurophone. Built in his home laboratory from wire and brillo pads, the device transmitted audio signals from a stereo directly into the brain, bypassing the ears entirely. Although he knew that the sound was somehow being picked up by the wearer's skin and bone, the exact mechanism would evade the inventor for 33 years. [11]

Martin Lenhardt finally recreated Flanagan’s findings in 1991 using ultrasonic signals. He discovered that the saccule, a pea-sized organ in the inner ear usually associated with balance, is also sensitive to ultrasonic sound, at last explaining how Flanagan’s invention worked. But there’s even more to the sixth sense than meets the eye. Some researchers now equate it with stress, relaxation, and various psychic abilities.

In 1975, Dr. Herbert Benson, argued in “The Relaxation Response” that prayer and meditation can play a significant role in reducing stress and hypertension. We now know that the vestibular system plays a critical role in stabilizing the visual axis (gaze) and maintaining head and body posture during meditation. The thought of having a third eye or being sealed in the forehead is a familiar religious idea, sometimes associated with neurons in the thalamus, amygdala, and cortex of the brain. But it is essentially the vestibular system of the inner ear that allows us to “balance” the two hemispheres of our brain and in due course trigger the relaxation response. “Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.”(Matthew 13:9). Dysfunctions in the vestibular system can cause stress, anxiety, panic attacks, nausea, and motion sickness. It is a well known fact that prayer and meditation can produce a “trance” or altered state of consciousness related to curative powers, religious ecstasy, and increased visual imagery –– leading to relaxation and tranquillity.

Yet, it is a common oversight of modern western society to assume that trance or altered states of consciousness depend exclusively on the characteristics of primitive culture. Just about every adult in the world experiences a trance in the form of sexual orgasm. But some psychologists have not yet overcome the taboo of repression to openly describe the human orgasm as an authentic trance state. As a result of today’s gross commercialization of sex, many people go through their adult existence creating an “unbalanced” trance response. Rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings, they are conditioned by boorish media and gluttonous peer pressure to put up with offensive vulgarity, tending to deprave and corrupt, which only increases the body’s stress response. By harmonizing the brain’s hemispheres, prayer and meditation can stimulate the vestibular system to create a healthy, balanced trance state. Hundreds of studies have been published over the past three decades on the potential health effects of prayer and meditation. Dr. Vernon Barnes, a research scientist in pediatrics found that men and women who meditate are 30 percent less likely to die of cardiovascular disease over the next eight years compared to their peers. Their risk of dying from any cause was 23 percent lower.

Barnes pointed to recent studies that have found a number of effects that could protect against heart disease and stroke; besides lowering blood pressure, meditation may reduce cholesterol, improve the functioning of blood vessel walls, and possibly reduce atherosclerosis — the buildup of plaques in the arteries that can lead to heart attack and stroke. [12]

Dr. Robert H. Schneider of Fairfield, Iowa, says the findings, coupled with previous studies, “give strong evidence” that meditation is a heart-healthy habit. Meditation works better than other practices like muscle relaxation, he asserts, because it may awaken the body’s innate ability to “self-repair.” Meditation, both Schneider and Barnes say, is physiologically different from resting or sleeping because practitioners become still mentally and physically, but remain awake and aware.

Dr Toby Collins, of the Oxford Centre for the Science of the Mind, told the BBC News website: “Meditation is a way of tapping into a process of manipulating brain activity.” He said the idea that meditation trained the brain to attend to just one thing at a time fitted in with previous research. He added: “How that's done, we don't yet know. But studies using fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) can show what's happening in the brain.” [13]

About 58 percent of Americans have tried prayer to relieve their pain, according to a joint study by ABC News, USA Today and Stanford University Medical Center. That's about the same as the number of people who have taken prescription drugs for pain, the study reports. And of those who've tried prayer, half say it has worked very well for them in terms of pain relief, tying it with prescription drugs as the most effective pain reliever. The experience of pain is not purely physical, said Dr. Harold Koenig, co-director of Duke University's Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health.

“There is a lot of anxiety associated with pain, there is depression associated with it, there is a loss of hope, there is alienation and loneliness, there is anger associated with pain,” Koenig said. “Religion helps with all of those factors that ultimately magnify the pain and bring it into such great focus for those who experience pain.”

While detractors may argue that prayer functions as a placebo, Dr. William Brose believes otherwise:

"I think there are probably a lot of nonspecific effects that happen with prayer. Some of them may be characterized as a placebo, some of them may be related to relaxation, but I also believe there is a significant spiritual piece that we just simply don't understand," he said. "But the absence of proof isn't the proof of absence. People have faith because they believe in something even when there is no proof." [14]

The National Institutes of Health appointed a team of doctors, including Dr. Lynda Powell, to analyze nearly 250 secular-based studies connecting religion and health. Researchers found people who attend religious services weekly, if not more, have a lower rate of mortality by nearly 25 percent. That is, they live longer. But is God the reason worshipers may be living longer? Powell says it could be simpler than that.

“People who are stressed tend to struggle. Struggle triggers stress hormones and that, in effect, shortens their lives,” reports Powell. “People who go to church or religious services regularly are more effective at coping with stress.”

More effective, she says, perhaps because they take what they learn – prayer or meditation - and use it in their everyday lives. This appears to stave off stress hormones and promote more beneficial ones. [15]

Nowhere has that idea received a more intriguing going-over than in the recently published book “The God Gene: How Faith Is Hardwired into Our Genes,” by molecular biologist Dean Hamer. Chief of gene structure at the U.S. National Cancer Institute, Hamer not only claims that human spirituality is an adaptive trait, but he also says he has located one of the genes responsible, a gene that just happens to also code for production of the neurotransmitters that regulate our moods. Other researchers have taken the science in a different direction, looking not for the genes that code for spirituality but for how that spirituality plays out in the brain. Neuroscientist Andrew Newberg of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine has used several types of imaging systems to watch the brains of subjects as they meditate or pray. By measuring blood flow, he determines which regions are responsible for the feelings the volunteers experience. The deeper that people descend into meditation or prayer, Newberg found, the more active the frontal lobe and the limbic system become.

The frontal lobe is the seat of concentration and attention; the limbic system is where powerful feelings, including rapture, are processed. More revealing is the fact that at the same time these regions flash to life, another important region—the parietal lobe at the back of the brain—goes dim. It’s this lobe that orients the individual in time and space. Take it off-line, and the boundaries of the self fall away, creating the feeling of being at one with the universe. Combine that with what’s going on in the other two lobes, and you can put together a profound religious experience. [16]

“Far from being an evolutionary luxury then, the need for God may be a crucial trait stamped deeper and deeper into our genome with every passing generation.” The relationship between psychics and the powerful has always been close. In the Bible, Joseph found favor with Pharaoh by uncannily interpreting the Egyptian leader's dreams. Centuries later, the supposed forecasting abilities of Nostradamus and the “mad monk” Rasputin endeared both men to the upper classes. In America, according to Catherine Albanese, a historian at the University of California, Santa Barbara, belief in metaphysical powers dates back to the country's founding and shows “every sign of flourishing into any future that can be foreseen.” That’s especially true during times of great change or distress—war and recession—when people are looking to make sense of the uncertainty, Albanese says. Surveys show that two out of three Americans believe in the value of psychic insight, according to Michael Shermer, author of “Why People Believe Weird Things.” [17]

Perhaps the greatest link between the sixth sense and the vestibular system of the inner ear lies in the schema of string theory. No experiment has yet directly detected the Higgs boson, which supposedly gives mass to all particles. In physics, the “graviton” is a hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of gravity in the framework of quantum field theory. Experiments to detect gravitational waves might provide information about certain properties of the graviton.[18] The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN came on line in 2008. But since we already know that the inner ear responds to linear accelerations of motion, including the constant influence of gravity, perhaps the existence of the graviton will be confirmed or rejected by studying the “gravity receptors” of the vestibular system. If all this sounds a bit like alien technology to you, don’t forget that our small elitist group of scientific skeptics is being rather nice about how it discredits its spirit rivals nowadays. Do they perchance have a clandestine motive? You bet. A recent report by the U.S. Department of Defense plainly describes the new areas of focus.

Mind reading: The development of psychological models and neurological imaging has made it possible to see what people are thinking and whether they're lying. The science is, however, still in its infancy: Challenges remain in accounting for variations between individual brains, and the tendency of our brains to change over time.

One important application is lie detection -- though one hopes that the lesson of traditional lie detectors, predicated on the now-disproven idea that the physiological basis of lying can be separated from processes such as anxiety, has been learned. Mind readers could be used to interrogate captured enemies, as well as “terrorist suspects” passing through customs. But does this mean, for example, that travelers placed on the bloated, mistake-laden watch list would have their minds scanned, just as their computers will be? The report notes that “In situations where it is important to win the hearts and minds of the local populace, it would be useful to know if they understand the information being given them.” [19]


Sources quoted in this report:

  • “Why We Believe,” Sharon Begley, NEWSWEEK, Nov 3, 2008.

  • “Tsunami Adds to Belief in Animals’ ‘Sixth Sense,’” Ed Stoddard, Reuters, Dec 30, 2004.

  • “Sharks’ Electrical Sense Related to Human Genes,” Ker Than, Associated Press, Feb. 08, 2006.

  • “Geeky Rare-Earth Magnets Repel Sharks,” Genevieve Rajewski, WIRED. May 15, 2007.

  • “Do animals have telepathy?” heraldnewsonline.com, April 2, 2007.

  • “The weird world of mystic mogs and death-sensing dogs,” Daily Mail, July 2, 2008.

  • “Cattle shown to align north-south,” Elizabeth Mitchell, BBC News, Aug. 25, 2008.

  • “Strange Discoveries: Cow Magnetism and Magpie Self-Identity,” Robert C. Cowen, ABC News, Sept. 20, 2008.

  • “The unsung system that makes walking possible,” Natalie Angier, International Herald Tribune, October 29, 2008.

  • “Ultrasonic Hearing in Humans: Applications for Tinnitus Treatment,” Martin L. Lenhardt, International Tinnitus Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2003.

  • “Heard instinct,” Mark Pilkington, The Guardian, April 21, 2005.

  • “Meditation good for the heart, study finds,” Amy Norton, MSNBC, May 21, 2005.

  • “Meditation 'brain training' clues,” BBC News, June 13, 2005.

  • “Many Turn to Prayer, Not Prescriptions,” Jessica Steyers, ABC News, May 12, 2005.

  • “Worshiping may do wonders for health,” Monica Novotny, MSNBC, Aug. 2, 2005.

  • “Is God in Our Genes?” Jeffrey Kluger TIME Magazine, Oct. 25, 2004.

  • “The $10,000-a-Month Psychic,” Tony Dokoupil, NEWSWEEK, June 21, 2008.

  • "Can Gravitons be Detected?" Rothman, Tony; and Stephen Boughn, Foundations of Physics 36 (12), November 2006.

    “Uncle Sam Wants Your Brain,” Brandon Keim, WIRED, Aug. 13, 2008.

[1] “Why We Believe,” Sharon Begley, NEWSWEEK, Nov 3, 2008.

[2] “Tsunami Adds to Belief in Animals’ ‘Sixth Sense,’” Ed Stoddard, Reuters, Dec 30, 2004.

[3] “Sharks’ Electrical Sense Related to Human Genes,” Ker Than, Associated Press, Feb. 08, 2006.

[4] “Geeky Rare-Earth Magnets Repel Sharks,” Genevieve Rajewski, WIRED. May 15, 2007.

[5] “Do animals have telepathy?” heraldnewsonline.com, April 2, 2007.

[6] “The weird world of mystic mogs and death-sensing dogs,” Daily Mail, July 2, 2008.

[7] “Cattle shown to align north-south,” Elizabeth Mitchell, BBC News, Aug. 25, 2008.

[8] “Strange Discoveries: Cow Magnetism and Magpie Self-Identity,” Robert C. Cowen, ABC News, Sept. 20, 2008.

[9] “The unsung system that makes walking possible,” Natalie Angier, International Herald Tribune, October 29, 2008.

[10] “Ultrasonic Hearing in Humans: Applications for Tinnitus Treatment,” Martin L. Lenhardt, International Tinnitus Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2003.

[11] “Heard instinct,” Mark Pilkington, The Guardian, April 21, 2005.

[12] “Meditation good for the heart, study finds,” Amy Norton, MSNBC, May 21, 2005.

[13] “Meditation 'brain training' clues,” BBC News, June 13, 2005.

[14] “Many Turn to Prayer, Not Prescriptions,” Jessica Steyers, ABC News, May 12, 2005.

[15] “Worshiping may do wonders for health,” Monica Novotny, MSNBC, Aug. 2, 2005.

[16] “Is God in Our Genes?” Jeffrey Kluger TIME Magazine, Oct. 25, 2004.

[17] “The $10,000-a-Month Psychic,” Tony Dokoupil, NEWSWEEK, June 21, 2008.

[18] "Can Gravitons be Detected?" Rothman, Tony; and Stephen Boughn, Foundations of Physics 36 (12), November 2006.

[19] “Uncle Sam Wants Your Brain,” Brandon Keim, WIRED, Aug. 13, 2008.

Source: http://www.ufodigest.com