segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2011

Fraude in de Wetenschap

Januari 2011
Tim Kraaijvanger

Karl Popper beschreef wetenschappers ooit als goden. In zekere zin waren zij dat vroeger ook een beetje. Weinig mensen wisten wat er afspeelde in laboratoria en universiteiten, maar er werd in ieder geval goed werkt verricht. Tegenwoordig moeten wetenschappers zichzelf bewijzen. Maar klopt dat bewijs wel altijd? Dit artikel uit de oude doos bewijst van niet! 

Hoeveel wetenschappers plegen bewust fraude? Volgens schattingen 0,1 tot 1 procent van alle wetenschappers, maar het werkelijke aantal kan hoger liggen. Tien tot vijftig procent van alle wetenschappers doet wel eens mee aan wetenschappelijke onderzoeken die op de rand van goed en fout balanceren.


Het is belangrijk dat fraude uit wetenschap wordt gezeefd. Niet in de eerste plaats om het feit dat foute wetenschap voor foute antwoorden zorgt, maar juist omdat het uitlekken van foute wetenschap ervoor kan zorgen dat de publieke opinie over wetenschap verandert. “Het vertrouwen van mensen in de wetenschap kan door enkele fraudezaken wegvallen”, vertelt Dr. John Marks van het European Science Foundation in een interview in 2008. “Op dit moment vertrouwen mensen dat wetenschappers eerlijk zijn. We kunnen niet toestaan dat dit beeld verloren gaat”, vult professor Juan Jose de Damborenea aan. Wanneer het publiek negatief tegenover wetenschap komt te staan, kan dit ervoor zorgen dat wetenschappers minder subsidies krijgen, waardoor er minder onderzoek wordt gedaan. Dit kan de ontwikkeling van bijvoorbeeld nieuwe medicijnen of nieuwe technieken benadelen.

De reus uit Cardiff wordt opgegraven.

Uit de praktijk – De reus uit Cardiff

George Hull had ooit een discussie met iemand over reuzen uit de Bijbel. Hull was er van overtuigd dat er ooit reuzen op de aarde liepen. Om zijn gelijk te halen maakte Hull een groot houten mensfiguur van ruim drie meter hoog. Hij verbrandde de houten creatie en begroef het in de grond.

Een jaar later – in 1869 – huurde Hull mensen in om archeologische opgravingen te doen. Uiteraard werd de ‘versteende reus’ gevonden. 

Al snel werd het als hoax bestempeld. Hull gaf uiteindelijk toe dat het beeld niet echt was. Lullig voor P.T. Barnum: hij stelde een fossiel van een reuzenmens tentoon in een museum. Dit bleek een hoax van een hoax te zijn. Snapt u het nog?


Het uitvoeren van wetenschap is een complexe zaak. Alleen het opzetten van een experiment moet al nauwkeurig gebeuren. Het is vaak erg moeilijk om data nauwkeurig te interpreteren. Een voorbeeld: in de jaren ’30 en ’40 van de vorige eeuw droegen veel mensen hoeden, daarna veel minder. Toevallig was er ook veel armoede in Europa in de jaren ’30 en ’40. 

Conclusie: het dragen van hoeden zorgt voor meer armoede.


Maar er is meer. Stel, u bent wetenschapper en gelooft in God. Voor een onderzoek bent u op zoek naar bewijzen dat God bestaat. U vindt bewijzen, maar ook bewijzen die het tegendeel beweren. Omdat u gelooft in God besluit u de tegenargumenten weg te gooien. Dit maakt uw onderzoek – in zekere zin – sterker, en u krijgt meer lof van collega’s. Daarnaast krijgt u misschien in het vervolg meer geld van christelijke universiteiten om onderzoek te doen. Een andere conclusie en uw geldpotje zou misschien minder goed gevuld kunnen worden. En dat terwijl u thuis een vrouw en twee kinderen hebt zitten.


Ook het vervalsen van bewijs is een veelvoorkomende manier om fraude te plegen. In de archeologie gebeurt dit relatief vaker dan in andere wetenschappen. Zo vonden wetenschappers begin deze eeuw een schedel in Engeland: de eerste link tussen de aap en de mens. Opvallend genoeg sloot de uitslag van dit archeologisch onderzoek goed aan bij de visie van de paleonantropoloog Sir Arthur Keith. De schedel werd onderzocht en bleek nep te zijn. Keith hoopte waarschijnlijk op veel respect in de wetenschappelijke wereld, maar kreeg dat niet.

Uit de praktijk – Fossielen zijn nep

Begin achttiende eeuw vond Dr. Johann Beringer fossielen van manen, sterren, kevers en vogels: het bewijs dat fossielen verzinselen zijn van God. Hij publiceerde het boek Lithographia Wirceburgensis in 1726 met zijn bevindingen. Kort daarna vond hij een tablet in de grond met zijn eigen naam. Toen wist hij dat hij in de maling was genomen. De fosielen waren door twee gelovige collega’s in de grond gestopt. Beringer probeerde alle exemplaren van zijn boeken zelf te kopen, maar het was al te laat. Door de hoax is het boek een bestseller geworden.

Geen goden

Eerlijk is eerlijk: wetenschappers zijn net mensen. 

Ze zijn dus geen goden, zoals Karl Popper ooit beweerde. Sommige wetenschappers zijn op zoek naar macht, aanzien en rijkdom. Zij hebben er alles voor over om dit doel te bereiken: zelfs het vervalsen van informatie.


Het is erg moeilijk om fraude in wetenschap aan de kaak te stellen. Onderzoeken zijn vaak zeer complex. Om te bewijzen dat een wetenschapper fraude heeft gepleegd, moet een heel onderzoek opnieuw uitgevoerd worden. Dit is tijdrovend en geldverslindend. Soms wordt er fraude ontdekt, maar dat gebeurt omdat er twee felle partijen zijn. Zo zijn er voor- en tegenstanders van de theorie over klimaatverandering. 

Als voorstanders met een wetenschappelijk onderbouwde conclusie komen, proberen tegenstanders het tegendeel te bewijzen. Hierdoor werd ontdekt dat er klimaatwetenschappers zijn die sommige getallen niet hebben meegenomen in de statistieken.


Is fraude uit de wetenschap te filteren? In het paper Scientific fraud and the power structure of science concludeert wetenschapper Brian Martin dat dit niet mogelijk is. Fraude zit volgens hem ingebakken in het systeem van de huidige wetenschap. Zolang wetenschappers verantwoordelijkheden hebben en afhankelijk zijn van verschillende partijen, zal fraude altijd voor blijven komen.

Uit de praktijk – Koude fusie

Nucleaire fusie zorgt voor vrijwel eindeloze hoeveelheden energie met weinig schade voor het milieu. Er is één probleem: er is veel energie nodig om kernen te fuseren. In 1989 ontdekten Stanley Pons en Martin Fleischmann koude fusie: een manier om fusie op gang te brengen met weinig energie. De wetenschappelijke wereld stond even op z’n kop. Even. Al snel trokken Pons en Fleischmann hun paper in en weigerden ze vragen te beantwoorden. Waarschijnlijk waren hun bevindingen vals.


Natuurlijk kan fraude wel verminderd worden. Tegenwoordig hebben universiteiten en onderzoeksinstellingen de regels aangescherpt als er fraude wordt ontdekt. Daarnaast zijn wetenschappers voorzichtiger geworden met het plegen van fraude, omdat het de laatste jaren breed in het nieuws is geweest. Ook is de pers tegenwoordig meer betrokken bij wetenschap.

Toch verdwijnt fraude niet. 

Net zoals wielrenners stiekem doping gebruiken om betere resultaten te gebruiken, doen wetenschappers dit ook. Bij wielrennen is een simpele dopingtest genoeg om fraude aan de kaak te stellen. Bij wetenschap werkt het gewoon niet. En hoe irritant dit ook is: misschien moeten wij mensen er maar gewoon mee leren leven.


Evergreen Aviation Admits to Chemtrail Contracts with USAF

January 2011
by Joan Biakov

Evergreen Industrial Film & Complete Report with Timeline

Evergreen Aviation, one of the worlds largest private aviation companies admits to weather modification service.

On their own website in the Markets section for their New Super Tanker they state Weather modification among other interesting service markets.

Content copied directly from Evergreen Aviation website:

The Evergreen Supertanker is not just limited to fighting fire . It will be a true utilitarian aircraft with the capability to configure to different applications on short notice. This multimission aircraft can support sensitive security and environmental missions. The aircraft’s exceptional drop capabilities, loiter time and size make it an ideal tool to perform challenging homeland security missions, able to neutralize chemical attacks on military installments or major population centers, and help control large, environmentally disastrous oil spills.

In addition, the upper deck of the Boeing 747 provides over 200 square feet of space that could be assigned as a command and control center. EIA possesses an FAA exemption number 1870C that permits the carriage of up to five individuals that are not crewmembers in the upper deck. This area is capable of providing space for command and control components that would assist in sophisticated mapping, incident monitoring and video/communications downlink relay that might require additional personnel over and above the required crew.


• Firefighting
• Oil Spill Containment
• Weather Modification
• Biochemical Decontamination

What airports will Evergreen operate the Supertanker out of? Evergreen will operate the aircraft from any major airport with sufficient ramp space to load the aircraft. These include civilian bases, joint use civilian/military bases and accessible military bases. Generally, the runway requirements for the Evergreen Supertanker are 8000 feet.

Can the Supertanker fight fires at night, while they are most vulnerable?The Supertanker utilizes advanced avionics and flies at higher, safer altitudes, which will enable fire agencies the option of fighting fires at night, while they are dormant.

Are there any other markets for the Evergreen Supertanker? Can it operate globally?
Evergreen is studying other applications for the Supertanker. Oil spill containment, chemical decontamination and weather modification are all potential markets for this aircraft. Because the aircraft is pressurized, the Evergreen Supertanker has the capability of any long-range Boeing 747 passenger aircraft. This allows the aircraft to deploy to any international location.
If you want to read up for yourself on this, just go to, do a search on “Weather Control”, and then start clicking through the links that come up. You might find it as surprising as I did. Here is the bottom line:

Is weather control real?Yes.

Do we have the technology to create a hurricane, or tornado, or earthquakes?Yes.

Who has this technology?The US and Russia. But Russia has been offering the technology for sale.

What specific technologies/techniques can be used to alter the weather and create storms?Several.

High-energy lasers can be directed into the atmosphere which creates free oxygen (O2), this combined with hydrogen to create H2O – water. Space based lasers are even more effective, and can also create O3 (Ozone) in the process of creating water in the atmosphere. Water is the most essential element in weather. The amount of it at a given point in time at a given location can create wind shifts, rain, (obviously), snow, but a clever use of it can create a tornado, or, over water, a hurricane. Over warm ocean water, it creates a very powerful hurricane, and if created in the right position at the right time, prevailing winds will carry it where you want it to go.

But far more effective than that technology is the HAARP project in Alaska. This uses VLF (Very low frequency) energy pulses bounced off the ionosphere to create extreme weather conditions anywhere in the world they wish to direct it. The Earth has a fundamental resonant frequency of 7.83 hz. Anything that operates at that frequency risks disturbing all aspects of the earth. Weather, earthquakes, etc. It depends upon the amount of power produced. HAARP produces 1.7 gigawatts.
Here are a couple of interesting quotes about it I found on one of the websites I visited:

"The $30 million [Pentagon] project, euphemistically named HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), is made to beam more than 1.7 gigawatts (billion watts) of radiated power into the ionosphere -- the electrically charged layer above Earth's atmosphere. Put simply, the apparatus is a reversal of a radio telescope -- just transmitting instead of receiving. It will 'boil the upper atmosphere'. After [heating] and disturbing the ionosphere, the radiations will bounce back onto the earth in for form of long waves which penetrate our bodies, the ground and the oceans." ["Angels Don't Play This HAARP", page 8]

Let us allow Dr. Begich explain this concept. "... this invention provides the ability to put unprecedented amounts of power in the Earth's atmosphere at strategic locations and to maintain the power injection level, particularly if random pulsing is employed, in a manner far more precise and better controlled than heretofore accomplished by the prior art ...." [Page 28]
"... the goal is to learn how to manipulate the ionosphere on a more grand scale than the the Soviet Union could do with its similar facilities. HAARP would be the largest ionospheric heater in the world, located in a latitude most conducive to putting Eastlund's invention into practice." [Page 29]

Furthermore, from this northern latitude, the energy could be aimed into the ionosphere so that it would bounce back down to the earth so it would come down wherever the scientists wanted it to come down. The secret was to learn how and where to aim it to hit the earth where they wanted it to hit, creating the type of disaster or weather they desired.

In NEWS1198, "U.N. Treaty Proves Weather Control Is Real", we report news articles that Malaysia actually contracted with a Russian Weather Modification company to create a hurricane that would be directed close enough to clear the smoke and smog from Malaysia's cities without actually coming on to land to create devastation. This Russian company delivered, and Malaysia had clear skies.

Our information also tells us that, not only can hurricanes be created, they can be dismantled should scientists so desire. And, they certainly can be driven on the ocean much like we drive our cars on roadways. Therefore, one has to ask why American scientists have allowed unprecedented hurricanes, like Andrew, to ever come on shore. Why are American scientists allowing extensive damage and lives lost to recent unprecedented storms, since they have the capability to keep these storms away from us?

HAARP can create nuclear-sized explosions without radiation! [Page 38, 62]. This process is protected by patent 4,873,928.
The greatest concern of New Age scientist Nick Begich, in his book, "Angels Don't Play This HAARP", is that scientists and the military are so very arrogant in their ignorant, reckless use of focused energy into the ionosphere. Military scientists talk about "kicking this thing in high gear to see what would happen"! This attitude is complete arrogance.

What if they set off an unintended reaction in the atmosphere that cannot be controlled or stopped?
Well, if a country can deliver nuclear-like explosions anywhere in the world they wish, without using ICBM missiles and other nuclear delivery systems, then I suppose that makes traditional nuclear weapons arsenals obsolete for warfare purposes, and mostly only good for political posturing and negotiations. That would explain why both Russia and the US were willing to agree to disarmaments, and reductions in their nuclear proliferation. I think maybe that was the first time in human history that countries voluntarily chose to disarm themselves and reduce their ability to conduct war. Given the nature of mankind and his history, it would make much more sense if they had a better card up their sleeves.

Judging by the apparent irresponsible arrogance of the people in charge of it as suggested by Begich, I wonder who should be in charge of decision-making for this technology. Once a technology is invented, it cannot be ‘un-invented’. It is now there, and some people will try to use it. Most will try to use it to their personal advantage and to support their agendas. Always, it seems that those that want to act in the interest of all mankind lack the same level of energy and determination of those acting in self interest, and so the people that push their way to the top into positions of power and authority rarely act responsibly or altruistically, but rather they act to gain power and wealth to themselves.

Having said that, if we follow the line of reasoning logically, if we accept that current technology allows us to create a hurricane, then we have to ask ourselves who might have started a hurricane like Katrina that specifically destroyed the area where most of our oil refineries are? In whose interest does this serve? Who benefits from this?

Another interesting question: Since we apparently not only have the ability to create a hurricane, and steer it, and even stop it – why did we choose not to stop Katrina from doing the damage it did? Is the information incorrect? Can we start them, but not stop them? Or is there some other reason that Katrina served the purposes of some people? I honestly don’t know. I’m wondering myself.

Here is a chronology of the technological advances that contributed to weather control. The comments are not mine but come from that website that I found. I have to admit – as much as I would like to go back to thinking that the weather is not controllable, It’s hard to ignore this much information on the subject.


1900: "Tesla applies for patent on a device to 'Transmit Electrical Energy Through the Natural Mediums." In 1905, the U.S. Patent Office issue Patent #787,412 for this purpose. I bet it is news to everyone that the technology to transmit electrical power without wires exists, and exists so that the generation and transmission of electricity can be both bountiful and FREE! Of course, a lot of dollars of sales and profit would immediately vanish, so Tesla's discovery was never made public.
1924: "Confirmation that radio waves bounce off 'ionosphere 1' (an electrically charged layer starting at an altitude of 50 kilometers)."
1938: "Scientist proposes to light up night sky by electron gyrotron heating from a powerful transmitter." The fact that untold numbers of powerful electron heaters are pouring tens of millions of watts of electricity at Extremely Low Frequencies to effect this Weather Warfare is the major reason we are experiencing Global Warming! This warming has nothing to do with any Industrial pollutants or emssions, and certainly not from cow flatulance, as New Age extremists have claimed. New World Order planners are able to make dire predictions and then technologically deliver them!
1940: "Tesla announces 'death ray' invention." Our military evidently has the capability to create a defense shield over our continent by aiming these electron heaters correctly.
1945: "Atomic bomb tests begin -- 40,000 electromagnetic pulses to follow."
1952: "W.O. Schumman identifies 7.83 Hertz the resonant frequency of the Earth".
1958: "Van Allen radiation belts discovered (zones of charged particles trapped in earth's magnetic field) 2,000+ miles up. Violently disrupted in the same year."
1958: "Project Argus, U.S. Navy explodes three nuclear bombs inside Van Allen belt."
1958: "White House advisor on weather modification says Defense Department studying ways to manipulate charges of 'earth and sky, and so affect the weather'." Wow! Did you know that such a department as "Weather Modification" existed in the White House way back in 1952? The mere existence of such an office strongly implies the technology to modify and control the weather existed.
1960: "Series of weather disasters begin."
1961: "Scientists propose artificial ion cloud experiments. In 1960's the dumping of chemicals (barium powder, etc.) from satellites and rockets began."
1961-62: "U.S.S.R. and U.S.A. create many electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) in the atmosphere. 300 megatons of nuclear devices deplete ozone layer by about 4%." Hmm, ozone layer depletion was intentionally created by both Russian and American governments by nuclear detonations? They not only knew about it, they measured the extent of the depletion and the time it lasted. Therefore, do you think it just might be possible that, once again, we have the situation where a dire prediction is made, with the knowledge that their scientists can actually make it happen?!
1962: "Launch of Canadian satellites and start of stimulating plasma resonances by antennas within the space plasma."
1966: "Gordon J.F. MacDonald publishes military ideas on environmental engineering."
1960's: In Wisconsin, U.S. Navy Project Sanguine lays extremely low frequency (ELF) antennae." We are told that the Navy needed this ELF capability to communicate with their submarines in a way that would be secure from enemy attack, a claim with which we do not argue. However, is it also possible that this ELF antennae may serve a dual purpose, of also helping to control the weather?
1968: "Moscow scientists tell the West that they have pinpointed which pulsed magnetic field frequencies help mental and physiological functions and which frequencies do harm." The very idea that a wicked totalitarian government serving Antichrist could know how to manipulate thought processes by the use of electromagmetic pusles is one of the most frightening thoughts imaginable! This little incident also shows the unusual cooperation between Russia and America at the height of the Cold War! Such cooperation constitutes proof of our claim that Russia has cooperated with the Western Powers since the beginning, in 1917, to stage the mock battle of Thesis battling Antithesis to produce the Synthesis system of Antichrist called the New World Order.
1972: "First reports on 'ionospheric heater' experiments with high frequency radio waves at Arecibo [Alaska]. A 100 megawatt heater in Norway built later in the decade can change the conductivity of the auroral ionosphere." Now, you are getting close to being able to control the weather. When you can manipulate the conductivity of the auroal ionosphere, where weather systems operate and originate, you are close to controlling the weather. Note the date here, at which time this technology was realized: 1972.
1973: "Documentation that the launch of Skylab 'halved the total electron content of the ionosphere for three hours' (by rocket exhaust gases)."
1974: "United Nations General Assembly bans environmental warfare." We reported on this terrible treaty in NEWS1196, "U.N. Treaty Proves Weather Control Is Real". You do not need a treaty banning Weather Warfare unless such technology already exists and has been proven effective. This means that this Weather Warfare technology has been fine tuned for 24 years.
1974: "High frequency experiments at Plattsville, Colorado Arecibo, Puerto Rico, and in Armidale, New South Wales. These experiments heated the 'bottom side of the ionosphere."
1974: "Experiments -- airglow brightened by hitting oxygen atoms in ionosphere with accelerated electrons."
1975: "Stanford professor Robert Helliwell reports that very low frequency (VLF) from power lines is altering the ionosphere." I remember this report well, as I scoffed at the idea that power lines could have that kind of effect on this huge earth. I never thought of the fact that the reason they could have this kind of effect is that they are just the right kind of frequency to affect the earth.
1975: "U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson forces the Navy to release research showing that extremely low frequency (ELF) transmissions can altar human blood chemistry." Once again, this technology begins to hit very close to home, does it not? When an enemy can altar my blood chemistry by aiming ELF transmissions at me, I can be destroyed with no knowledge of what is happening to me, or who is doing such lethal damage. Can you also sense the possibilty of control of an entire population, without the people ever being aware they are being manipulated?!
1975: "U.S. Senator Pell, Senate Subcommitted, urges that weather and climate modification work should be overseen by a civilian agency answerable to the U.S. Congress. Didn't happen." In NEWS1196, we report that Senator Pell urged the United States to sign this United Nations treaty banning Weather Warfare. It sounds like Pell was very concerned about the use and misuse of this technology, even though he is fully aware of the New World Order Plan and has acted to support it for many years.
1975: "Soviets begin pulsing 'Woodpecker' extremely low frequency (ELF) waves at key brainwave rhythms. Eugene, Oregon, was one of the locations where Woodpecker was aimed, and where people were particularly affected." Once, again, I am extremely agitated to discover that an enemy can destroy me either biologically or mentally from a distance, without me being aware of it.
1976: "Drs. Susan Bawin and W. Ross Adey show that nerve cells are affected by ELF fields."
1979: "Launch of NASA's third High-Energy Astrophysical Observatory causes large scale, artificially induced depletion in the ionosphere. The plasma hole was caused by 'rapid chemical processes' between rocket exhaust and the ozone layer. The ionosphere was significantly depleted over a horizontal distance of 300 km for some hours."
1985: "Bernard J. Eastlund applies for patent 'Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere and/or Magnetosphere'. (First of three Eastlund patents assigned to ARCO Power Technologies, Inc.)"
1986: "U.S. Navy Project Henhouse duplicates the Delgado (Madrid) experiment -- very low level, very low frequency pulsed magnetic fields harm chick embryos."
1980's: "In the latter part of the decade, the U.S. begins the network of Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) towers, each to generate Very Low Frequency (VLF) waves ..." IN NEWS1196, we reported that the GWEN towers created a high level electromagnetic dam in the atmosphere in the American Midwest that created the rain for 40 days and nights in 1993. GWEN towers were located right where the rain came down in such a Biblical type deluge. Furthermore, we showed a map of the United States where you could see the GWEN towers and where they were located. We found it extremely interesting that these towers were also located along the San Andreas fault in Califormai and Nevada, where all these earthquakes of the past decade have been occurring!
1987-1992: "Other ARCO Power Technologies Incorporated (APTI) scientists build on Eastlund patents for development of new weapon capabilities."
1994: "Military contractor E-systems buys APTI, holder of Eastlund patents and contract to build the biggest ionospheric heater in the world, the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP). Even though construction of HAARP towers in Alaska began before this date, this was the time the decision was made to make it as large as it is now today, over 40 acres of ELF towers.
1994: "Congress freezes the funding on HAARP until planners increase the emphasis on earth penetrating tomography uses, for nuclear counterproliferation efforts." Once again, we have to wonder if this technology might be used to create earthquakes, as well as monitor compliance with nuclear test ban treaties.
1995: "Congress budgets $10 million for 1996, under "nuclear counterproliferation' efforts for HAARP project." At least now we know that the U.S. Government is in firm control of HAARP, the same government driving us full speed into the global government of Antichrist, known as the New World Order.
1994-6: "Testing of first stage of HAARP equipment continues ..."
1996: HAARP planners to test the earth penetrating tomography applications by modulating the electroject at ELF frequencies." Let's see, were there any severe or unusual earthquakes, or series of earthquakes, in 1996? We shall study this and get back to you.
1998: "Projected date for fully operating HAARP system." We have had the most unusual severe weather in 1997 and 1998. It is no coincidence that the onset of this unprecedented weather coincided with the completion of the HAARP system. Now, scientists can create and control all types of weather, especially disasters.

Evergreen Aviation has a long history of government contracts, ranging from the USPS to unmanned flight operations for the USAF.

segunda-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2011

Why Flamingoes Don't Get Osteoperosis

January 2011
by Jacob Schor, ND

There is a surprising new therapy to increase bone density that may decrease the odds of fracturing a femur or hip as one gets older. Recall the movie, Karate Kid, and download from your memory the image of the kid, balancing on one foot on a log at the beach, seagulls flying overhead. 

Now imagine an older person in a nursing home, slowly moving about with the aid of a walker doing an imitation of the Karate Kid. What you've got is Dynamic Flamingo Therapy, the invention of researcher, Keizo Sakamoto from Tokyo, and likely the least expensive and least intrusive intervention ever described in the medical literature for preventing hip fractures.

In October 2006, writing in the Journal of Orthopedic Science, Sakamoto described the effect of what he called “unipedal standing” on the frequency of falls and hip fractures in an elderly population. His unipedal standing balance exercise was simple. Stand on one leg for a minute (alternating legs) with your eyes open three times a day. If you need to, hang onto something so you don’t tip over.

Bone density and bone strength is improved by mild stress to the bone, that’s why we make all the fuss about weight bearing exercise. By Sakamoto’s calculations, standing on one foot for a minute would have an effect on bone density equivalent to walking 53 minutes.

Repeating his exercise three times a day would be equivalent to taking three almost hour long walks a day. For older people who are not that mobile, unipedal standing is an interesting option. It improves balance enough that it decreases spontaneous falls by about a third. It also puts mild strain on the bone, strengthening it and decreasing the chance of fracture if the person does fall.

In his first experiment, Sakamoto recruited subjects, averaging 82 years old, and randomized them, some to serve as controls and some to “exercise.” Falls and hip fractures for a sixmonth period were counted. Data was collected for 315 unipedal standers and 212 control subjects that presumably rarely stood on one foot.

The 315 subjects in the exercise group recorded 118 falls in the six-month test period. The 212 control subjects recorded 121 falls. There was one hip fracture in each group. The difference in number of falls was statistically significant, but the number of fractures weren’t enough to generate accurate statistics.

A more recent paper was published by Sakamoto in the November 2008 issue of Clinical Calcium that lends greater weight to unipedal standing; only the treatment has been renamed. No longer is standing on one foot called unipedal standing, now it is “Dynamic Flamingo Therapy.”

In this paper, Sakamoto describes a group of women doing his exercise for a period of ten years. Starting in 1993, he recruited 86 women to do his flamingo exercise, the same standing on one foot at a time for a minute three times a day. The women were tested regularly to evaluate bone density. At the start of the program, the average age was just under 68. Sakamoto summarized the results as the percentage of participants showing increased bone mineral density (BMD) compared to their levels when they enrolled in the study.

After three months 63 percent of the study participants had increased bone density. This isn’t as exciting as it sounds, as there is a seasonal variation in bone density, increasing over the summer months as production of vitamin D increases with greater sun exposure. But after six months 41 percent still had denser bones than when they started; after one year the number increased to 58 percent. This is exciting. There was a drop at the three year mark, down to 32 percent. This increased after five years back to 54 percent. After 10 years of performing this exercise, 33 percent of the women still had increased bone density compared to their initial scan.

There was no control group but increasing bone density as a woman ages from 68 to 78 is clearly unexpected. None of the women who continued the exercises fractured a hip during the ten year period. This also stands out.

For people too frail for rigorous workouts or even walking to build bone density, this therapy offers an alternative ‘exercise.’ Even for those of us who do exercise routinely, a few minutes on one foot may still provide added advantage.


Rosslyn Chapel: Is the god of Nature symbolized by the Goat's head?

I have written a number of articles on the towers or steeples of Rosslyn chapel. I came across an interesting steeple that appears to have a goat’s head carved in stone on a steeple. A goat’s head would be important because of it’s symbolism to the freemasons.

Rosslyn chapel steeple by Carolyn Shield

 Rosslyn chapel steeple which appears to look like a goat's head by Carolyn Shield

One of the Masonic initiation rituals is called “riding the goat” The goat has symbolism linked with Pan and Dionysius or Bacchus. Pan is god of shepherds, hunting, wild mountains, and nymphs. 

Pan is symbolism of fertility, spring and his home is Arcadia. The god Zeus suckled goat’s milk when a child by Almathea his foster mother. Capricorn is the constellation of the goat. It starts around December 22 and ends around January 22 which is the timebirth in the church calendar. 

Saturnalia was celebrated by the Romans. It is celebrating the birth of the sun with winter solstice. John the Baptist birthday was celebrated during the Summer solstice.  

In Neopagnism Pan is associated with male sexuality and virility. “In 1933, the Egyptologist Margaret Murray published the book, The God of the Witches, in which she theorised that Pan was merely one form of a horned god who was worshipped across Europe by a witch-cult(1)” Wicca has Pan connected with the horned god Cernunnos and India’s Pashupati. 

Cernunnos is a celtic horned god of nature and fertility.  In the chapel below is the green man entwined with vine and leaves throughout the church possibly in reverence to Cernunnos or Pan. of Jesus’s 

 Pan and the magical flute   
Francisco Goya, le Sabbat des sorcières (the Sabbath of witches). Oil on canvas, 44 × 31 cm. Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid

Greek Dionysus is the god of winemaking and harvest of the wines. Roman Bacchus is carried a fennel wand with a pine cone. Many Dionysian cults which expressed freedom conducted rituals in which it was said members were empowered by the god himself. Dionysus is the cult of the dead in which he is the communicator between the living and the dead.
Albert Mackey in his Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (1873) cites the Rev. Dr. George Oliver in recording a common belief of the early nineteenth century that freemasons practiced some form of witchcraft:
"Doctor Oliver says, it was in England a common belief that the Freemasons were accustomed in their Lodges "to raise the Devil." 

So the riding of the goat, which was believed to be practised by the witches, was transferred to the Freemasons; and the saying remains to this day, although the belief has long since died out."4 (2)
The legend of the Templars and Baphomet is connected with the word. Alleged name of the idol which the Templars were accused of worshipping. (According to l'Abbé Constant, quoted by Littré,1 this word was cabalistically formed by writing backward tem. o. h. p. ab., abbreviation of templi omnium hominum pacis abbas, 'abbot' or 'father of the temple of peace of all men.') Hence Baphomet·ic a. Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984 (23rd Printing) p. 659. 
Hugh  De Payens established the Knights Templar on September 13 and who came to Balantravach (Midlothian) Scotland. It became the first land dedicated to the Templars by Royal charter. It is located a few miles from Rosslyn chapel. The Pope and King of France arrested the Templars. “Out of 231 templars tried only 12 admitted under torture admitted to knowing anything about the icon (Baphomet)”.
Ammon of Mendes was a ram headed Egyptian god who was later changed to a goat head. Mendes is a town on the Nile. Ammon (the concealed) was associated with the divinity of nature. Reproduction and cyclical regeneration. The Greeks later named him Pan. Ammon was for many ages the main god of Egypt . The light giving sun god  is Amen Ra (the hidden One). Amen is said after many prayers.
Rosslyn Chapel was called Saint Matthew's Chapel originally. An interesting line pertains to goats and sheep in St Matthew. Goats tend to be more aggressive and wanting freedom verses sheep who are passive and follows obediently with the fold. It is interesting that the goat's head was carved on the steeple by the masons of Rosslyn.

Matthew 25:32-33

All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. 33 And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left

Rosslyn Chapel is a tribute to nature with it's sky of pentacles, flowers, vines, and green men. The goat's head is a tribute to the god of nature, fertility, and light. "Riding the goat", a saying by freemason's referring to one of their rituals. 

Saint Clair was named Grand Master Mason of Scotland. William Schaw is looked upon as the founding father of freemasonry. It moved from an organization of masons to include later those who were not . The symbolism of the goat seems to have been important to the masons of Rosslyn. This goat has climbed to one of the highest points on Rosslyn steeple.


Rosslyn Chapel Revealed by Michael T.R.B. Turnbull


quarta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2011

Area Still Has Ancient 'Race of Giants' Mutation

January 2011

He stood about 2.4m tall, earned his living from street shows and died at 22. Now researchers have found that Charles Byrne, the most famous giant in medical history, sprang from a mutant gene that first appeared 1500 years ago and is still causing excessive growth in families in the same area of Northern Ireland where he was born.

The current "race of giants" is concentrated in a small area, but researchers requested its location not be disclosed to protect residents from curious onlookers.

After the discovery, doctors screened four families from the area found to carry the same genetic mutation and identified three patients in the early stages of excessive growth who had not realised they were affected.

Read full story at

UFO leaks? Open Source Intelligence Already Available

January 2011
By Steve Hammons

In recent weeks there has been much speculation about the possible release of information by controversial organizations about unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

At the same time, it is worth noting that a robust amount of open source intelligence (OSINT) on this topic is already available online, in books and via other communications platforms.

It is true that some information is unreliable. However, there are also websites and other sources that appear to be highly reliable and credible.

Two such online sites that seem worth exploring are and There are also many other websites and resources that are equally valuable and interesting.

For anyone interested in the subjects of UFOs and extraterrestrial visitation as well as research and speculation about other leading-edge scientific inquiries, the OSINT currently available appears very adequate to provide a fairly solid understanding of the situation at hand.

Of course, there are still many unknowns and much information is kept secure, probably for a number of reasons. Some of the rationale for information restriction and operational security (OPSEC) may not seem reasonable to many people, yet other reasons could be quite valid and understandable.

Open information about UFOs, advanced topics already available

Many researchers and interested people are very curious about reports of various kinds of unconventional and anomalous phenomena that include UFOs.

Additional interesting topics are theories of multiple dimensions (including theories of an afterlife), beings and creatures that may move in and out of these hidden dimensions (including angels) and the related subject of near-death experiences (NDEs).

Synchronicity (odd coincidences that may have meaning) and the related concept of non-locality (things being connected in ways independent of time and space) are also fascinating to many people.

Likewise, extrasensory perception (ESP) and anomalous cognition of various kinds are subjects of interest not only for average people, but also for defense and intelligence activities, as reflected in the research and operations the U.S. Project STAR GATE.

A subsequent concept called "transcendent warfare" seems to demonstrate the useful nature of unconventional programs like Project STAR GATE.

Although these and other edge-science subjects often overlap, the many reliable communications platforms providing valid information on such topics sometimes specialize in one or two elements.

It is interesting to note that some research into these areas is being conducted at major universities by respected investigators. They are using sound scientific methods to explore, measure and try to understand these unusual phenomena.

As noted, the OSINT available on these kinds of subjects can be found in excellent non-fiction books and articles, credible websites and even some TV programs. Some works of fiction such as novels and movies also can provide valuable insight and quite a bit of truth.


On the subject of UFOs, it has long been rumored that information has been gradually and steadily emerging for several decades now. One view is that there has been a planned process of acclimation to prepare people for some of these more surprising developments.

If that is true, it is probably wise because some unconventional phenomena could be quite disorienting, disconcerting or even dangerous. There certainly are indications that these are factors to take seriously.

Many people hope for a silver bullet of UFO disclosure to reach a tipping point of greater public knowledge about such situations.

However, it may also be true that the acclimation process will result in a seamless trajectory of steadily greater understanding.

Whether new information is released in some kind of controversial public way or not, there undoubtedly will continue to be increased awareness about many of these interesting and forward-leaning areas of research, including UFOs.

In that sense, the debate about the release of restricted documents versus openness and transparency in government may not be as important as it appears, at least in relation to some situations.

The more significant issue may be the maturity and responsibility we demonstrate in handling the truth about subjects that could be very challenging to adjust to. 


Please visit my Joint Recon Study Group site at 

& my Transcendent TV & Media site at 


Mysterious & Hidden Literary References Found in the Mona Lisa

January 2011

A professor from the Queen's University has stumbled upon literary references in Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

He believes that the work of art incorporates images inspired by the literary works of Roman poet Horace and Florentine poet Petrarch, a technique called 'invention'.

"The composition of the Mona Lisa is striking. Why does Leonardo have an attractive woman sitting on a balcony, while in the background there is an entirely different world that is vast and barren?" asks Ross Kilpatrick.

According to Kilpatrick, the painting alludes to Horace's Ode 1. 22 and two sonnets by Petrarch, all of which celebrate a devotion to a smiling young woman, with vows to love and follow the woman anywhere in the world, from damp mountains to arid deserts - the regions portrayed in the background of Mona Lisa.

He also reveals that da Vinci was aware of the poets and their works and the bridge seen in the background of the Mona Lisa has been identified as the same one from Petrarch's hometown of Arezzo.

"The Mona Lisa was made at a time when great literature was well known. It was quoted, referenced and celebrated," Kilpatrick added.

His findings have now been published in the Italian journal MEDICEA. (ANI)


The 10 Leading Theories For Dead Birds And Fish

January 6, 2011
by Nicholas West and Zen Gardner

As the mainstream media attempts to downplay the latest die-off event, which has now gone global, it is worthwhile to keep track of the story lines.  Feel free to add your own to the comments section, and we will update accordingly.

Mainstream Explanations: Lightning, hail, mid-air collision, power lines, and New Year fireworks for the birds . . . but disease for the fish.  This is even rolling eyes in the mainstream media.  Birds are incredibly sensitive to their environment (think Canary in the coal mine), and the thought that they were caught by surprise, or that they "fowled" up their flight pattern is patently ridiculous.  And where are the roasted birds from this lightning strike?  And what about fish dying in the same region?  Just a "disease" coincidence.  One mainstream headline has to be enshrined as the saddest attempt at sensationalism, while revealing an obvious natural conclusion Falling Birds Likely Died From Massive Trauma.  Really?

Meteor showers: We are in a period of intense seasonal meteor showers, and several perennial YouTubers reported hearing sonic booms in the area that could have indicated a local shock wave.  This would be one non-conspiratorial, natural cause that actually makes sense, but it is hard to connect to both birds and fish, unless it produced a disabling frequency.  There were indeed other sound anomalies according to the report highlighted above.  

New Madrid Fault Line:  An excellent article by The American Dream collated data about the recent earthquake activity along this fault line that runs along the mid-eastern section of the U.S.  Combined with gas fracking, the immense geological activity in the region, and the BP oil drilling disaster, which off-gassed the dispersant, Corexit, into the atmosphere, and we should be wondering about any mass deaths in the region.  Nevertheless, this has turned into a global event, so the above could be a side effect of something larger, or a direct contributing factor.

Government testing: The long history of government testing has been exposed by many researchers.  The strange component to this die-off is that only certain species have been affected, but within the entire region.  And some reports have indicated that the organs of these birds were liquefied, which could indicate a possible virus. Could this implicate species-specific bio-weapons? It is on record that discussions have taken place about race-specific bio-weapons; perhaps this is a test of delivery capability?

GMO mutation: Mike Adams of Natural News sets forth an interesting theory: this latest event is local, but the die-offs are happening across species as bee populations and bats are also declining.  Adams points out that Monsanto has a corporate office in Arkansas.  Just wondering.

Geoengineering: Could spraying in the area have caused this type of fallout?  Perhaps something new added to the mixture? Chemtrails have quickly moved from conspiracy theory to documented fact.  So much so, that the powers-that-be have had to admit to the program, but a beneficial one in their view.  Between cloud seeding and possible connections to HAARP, chemtrail fallout must be considered, especially as it is being conducted nearly worldwide.  Rosalind Peterson has been at the forefront of connecting geoengineering to GMOs as a combined source for oxygen-depleting algae blooms that very well could affect a wide spectrum of natural systems. Furthermore, some believe that the delivery system for chemtrails can also disperse pathogens.  If there is a flu or disease outbreak in the coming days or weeks among the human population in areas where the birds have fallen, the chemtrail connection could be made.  If this happens, the contagion could be blamed on a new, deadly bird flu.  A last possibility connected to chemtrails would be nanoparticles.

HAARP: Birds and fish can be susceptible to subtle frequency alteration.  An interesting YouTube post from a long-time fisherman mentioned the "pearl" plate behind the eye of the affected type of drum fish in this event.  He made a plea for anyone in the area to look for signs of damage to this plate.  Both birds and fish navigate in highly coordinated ways that indicate that they move and communicate via frequencies.  Could the HAARP array in Alaska have short-circuited their navigation systems?  Or, perhaps this is the beginning of a cascading effect from decades of electromagnetic pollution emanating from EMF and ELF waves shot around the planet via a wide range of modern communications.

Scalar Weapons:  These directed energy beam weapons can be deployed via satellite and create a wide range of "natural disasters" that can be tuned to certain frequencies.  Their radius is reported to be several miles.  Even crazier is that we have been told that the dead birds encountered massive trauma.  One of the reported abilities of scalar weapons is to create a Tesla shield of plasma, like a bubble, that could explode anything that enters its airspace.  Some have speculated that this technology is in full operation.  But what if it truly is still at the testing phase?  Remember, this is happening in South America, too.

Project Blue Beam: Were they testing a sound generator for the global theater of alien invasion?  This one is "out there" for sure, but NASA itself has announced its preparation for such a scenario. Project Blue Beam, like its counterpart HAARP, uses the natural energy present in the ionosphere as both a visual and acoustical device.  Again, perhaps they are not at the ready stage yet, but, like Tesla, have made an unintentional misstep. 

Geomagnetic and other Earth changes:  As anyone can see from the above range of possibilities, we are facing an array of human tampering.  However, the backdrop to this are the anomalies beginning to take form with the apparent wandering of our magnetic pole, as even National Geographic reported that the north magnetic pole is racing toward Russia.  Add to this a dwindling magnetosphere and falling oxygen levels, and the deaths among more delicate species might portend a larger problem.  Finally, an increase in sun activity and magnetic storms might be weakening our overall natural habitat.

The widespread die-off of nature should lead us to look more intently at the world around us, and to question our relationship to it, and our effect upon it. Perhaps this is what we should have been doing all along.

* Zen Gardner is the Contributing Editor for Alternative News at Before It's News, and also posts at   


It Has Begun.... Arctic Apocalypse

January 8, 2011

So many people have been yelling the warning… but the world has not taken heed

Ice cubes left outside on January 4, 2011 melted. This is in the Arctic. Take a look at Greenland. It is right on the edge of a total ice sheet collapse. Negative Arctic oscillation are compounding. Warm air and water are drawn in and cold air and water are exhaled… in this case into western Europe and central North America. A proof of this oscillation is the extreme temperature swings in the prairie provinces. Calgary Alberta has been having temperature swings of 45 degrees Celsius in a matter of days.

As I previously reported all the big chiefs from NATO were in Canada prior to the G20 meeting for some high-level emergency contingency planning… not to pressure Canada to stay in the Afghan mission….that was just a ruse…. but to address a much more serious matter.

[All of Canada’s fleet of Scientific research vessels have been up to strange things up near the Greenland Ice-shelf in tandem with unusual deployments by the 2 Heavy Arctic Icebreakers.

OTTAWA, October 15, 2010 — Today, David MacKenzie, Member of Parliament and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Safety, on behalf of the Honourable Vic Toews, Minister of Public Safety, observed the National Heavy Urban Search and Rescue (HUSAR) team during Exercise MAGNITUDE ’10, which demonstrated Ottawa’s preparedness to help citizens in the event of a natural disaster or other large scale emergency.   The program allows government officials from municipal, provincial and federal public safety and emergency management organizations to view part of this national exercise that takes place in Ottawa from October 14-16, 2010.]

Canada’s Exercise Magnitude 10 had nothing to do with earthquakes. There were tier 1 defensive contractors on board Canadian Coast Guard Heavy Ice Breakers in the Arctic along with very high level US DOD representatives. All focus has been on the Arctic and the Greenland ice sheet.

All of the so called publicly available data on Arctic temperatures and Oscillation patterns has disappeared. Try to find it. There is nothing available after August 2010. The US and Canada have spent Millions on real-time monitoring in the Arctic. The data has vanished.

Above zero on Baffin Island in January is like a blizzard in the Sahara in July.

As these Warm/Cold Oscillations continue to expand Western Europe and Eastern North America are going to see EXTREME weather. In the summer the heat waves in the western U.S. are going to be downright Biblical…. just like the flooding in Australia. Nature is trying to restore a balance that has gone past the tipping point.
Real Danger. A few bird deaths. A few mega blizzards and biblical floods and rain storms of the century. These are nothing compared to the events in the near future when the Great Boreal Forest starts to die and billions of tons of methane are released into the Atmosphere. There is a lot of evidence that when the tipping point is finally reached things will happen quick. Perhaps in months… but probably in a matter of weeks.

20 foot World wide Sea level rise. That’s a conservative guess. That would displace about 1 Billion people. 35% of the world farm lands would disappear.

I you were the President or a World leader and you knew this scenario was inevitable…. you would spend like there was no tomorrow. Why not? Money will mean nothing.

You have been warned. Get ready now. Get off your fat twinkie eating ass, put down the remote and start getting prepared. Make a large paypal donation to… then go down to Walmart and buy 6 months of survival rations.
